07 (short)

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After sitting for a moment, the door bursts open just as Kreacher returns with Dobby helping him push Mundungus into the room.

Harry and Ron help to push him into a chair as Hermione and i jump up from our seats and point our wands at the man.

"Harry Potter!" Dobby shouts when he sees him "And Master Weasley, so good to see you again"

"You too Dobby, but how exactly did you get here?" Harry asks

"Dobby saw Kreacher with Mundungus in knock turn alley and Dobby heard Kreacher say Harry Potters name, so Dobby helped him bring him back to Mr Harry Potter and friends" He explains

"Thank you, Dobby" Hermione says

"Now, tell us where the locket is!" Ron demands of Mundungus

"What locket, i don't know what you're talking about"

"When you turned this place over, and don't deny it.... you took a locket that we need back" I say

"Why, was it valuable?" He asks as i roll my eyes

"See he's just wondering if he got a good price for it" Ron says

"No, i blinking gave the thing away, didn't i?" He says as he sinks back into the chair in front of us

"To who?" Harry asks

"A pink lady from the ministry, she was going to take all me things away and then she saw it and said that she wanted it and i could keep me things" He explains and then he glances down "Look, she's here"

He shows us a daily prophet that was lying on the floor and sure enough on the front page is Umbridge.

"I guess we're going into the ministry then" Harry says as he sighs and turns to walk out the door with the others.

"Harry" I call as he stops to look at me "i..i can't go with you guys" I say

"Why, what's wrong, they wont recognise you, we'll use Polyjuice potion to-"

"No, it's not that... Father said that there is another.... meeting that i must attend. He still thinks that i'm at school with Draco, if he finds out I'm not there I'll be-"

"It's fine" Harry says as he hugs me and then its Ron and Hermione's turn "See you later?" He asks as i nod

"Yes and guys... please be careful, my Father works in the ministry and that can't be good" I say as they nod and walk out the house.

I turn back to Mundungus "Now what to do with you...."

Cursed ✔️ ||FemaleMalfoyxHarryPotter || Harry PotterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin