08 (Long)

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After making Mundungus take the night bus, i grab a bag that Hermione left for me on the kitchen table and i exit the house with Dobby.

"Dobby wishes to say thank you to Miss Malfoy" He says as we walk outside into the cold air.

"And why would you need to do that?" I ask as i look around, trying to spot a port key or a phone box. Suddenly, i feel Dobby crash into my legs.

"Miss Malfoy helped Dobby at the Manor, Dobby will forever be in Scarlets debt" He says

I smile as he steps back.

"Thank you Dobby, but you don't need to owe me anything. The way my Family treated you was awful. Having you seek sanctuary in my room, pretending that you were cleaning, was the least that i could do" I say

"Still Dobby insists that he help Scarlet" Dobby says as i shrug

"You know what? I could actually use a lift to Hogwarts... if you don't mind" I say as Dobby hold out his hand to me

"Not at all Miss Malfoy"


After unpacking my trunk and meeting up with Dean, Ginny and the others, i sit in the great hall eating breakfast the next day.

"So, has anything special happened?" I ask as i look over them all, happy to see Ginny again

"Not really" Seamus explains "We've still been training and getting ready for whatever happens" He says as i nod

"Anything happened with you and the others?" Dean asks

"No, not really. I mean of cause we went to Fleur and Bill's wedding and we got ambushed by death eaters, but other then that... no" I say as the faces form confusion

"So not a lot then?" Seamus says with a raised eyebrow, clearly being sarcastic

Before i get to say a snarky comment back, i hear the unmistakable voice of Professor McGonagall.

"Scarlett Malfoy, what have i told you about sitting at the Gryffindor's table?" She shouts as she walks across the hall to get to us

"Not to do it?" I ask

"To do it more discreetly!" She says quiter "I can't be having half the school asking to move tables now can i?" She finishes as she shakes her head and has a trace of a smile on her face.

"Now" She says, dropping the light-heartedness "Unfortunately i need to speak to you regarding Harry" She tells me as my face grows confused

"What about him? He should be with the others at the ministry" I say

"Exactly....." She finishes as she places a rolled up daily prophet on the table.

I unroll it and i gasp as i see all three of the trios faces on the front page narrowly escaping the ministry's lock down after they were uncovered.

"Oh my Merlin!" I say as i stand up "I've got to go"

"I thought that you might... follow me" She says as i look back at the others one last time and i follow her.


Harrys POV:

After managing to get out of the ministry, i open my eyes to see that we landed on the floor of a forest.

I roll over as i see the locket of Slytherin that we managed to take from Umbridge.

"Harry? Harry quickly! In my bag" Hermione says as i quickly grab her bag as i walk towards her and i see Ron with his arm looking mangled "I have a bottle in there that will help him, he got court in one of the spells thrown when we escaped" She says as i scrabble around inside it until i use a spell to find it.

I rush it over to her as she quickly pours it on Ron's arms as it starts to heal as he groans in protest

I sigh as i see Hermione do the same, with out a word she stands up and casts a protectant spell around us.

"While i do the protectant spell, can you get started on the tent?" She asks

"A tent?! Where am i supposed to find a tent?" I ask until my eyes fall on her bag.

She really does think of everything.


The next afternoon, i stand next to Hermione and Ron as i look at the locket in front of us.

"Insendio!" Hermione calls as the locket bursts into flames, but doesn't burn

"Difindo!" I shout as my spell hits it and it bounces off into the clearing.

"Reducto!" I try again, growing even more impatient and then trying several more times until i feel Hermione's hand on my shoulder

Suddenly, Hermione and Ron draw their wands at the clearing just as i hear twigs snapping.

"Stand still, they won't be able to see us remember?" Hermione points out as i nod and we all stop moving.

Suddenly, i see blonde hair round the corner of a tree. Normally i wouldn't be pleased to see the unmistakable hair of a Malfoy, but when i see her face i smile.

"Ron?" She calls and then waits for a response as i realise she can't see us as she looks almost at me, but i know she can't actually see us "Hermione?" She tries as i smile at the others and quickly reach my hand through the barrier and pull her into it

"Harr- OMG!" She shouts as she feels her arm get pulled by seemingly nothing. After a second she comes through the force field and she sees us "Harry!" She says as she hugs me and then turns to Ron and Hermione and hugs them too.

"Was it really necessary to scare me to death like that by pulling me in?" She asks

"No, but it was fun" I say as she hits me on the arm with a rolled up daily prophet. "Now how did you get here?" I ask

"I got given this by McGonagall" She gestures to the newspaper "and then she port keyed me here... there is one just over the hill" She explains.

I look over the newspaper as i hear Hermione gasp

"I guess news we broke in travelled fast" I point out the obvious

"And that's not all" She says as we look at her "My Dad knows, and he's not at all happy. You're not really adding to the list of reasons why my Dad should let me date you, you know Potter" she says as she hugs me and the others walk off

"I'd better watch what i do then?" i ask as she nods and kisses me, tenderly

"Or you could just join the death eaters, that would help" She says smiles

"I love you, but that's not happening" I say as i smile

"Good, you wouldn't be the boy i thought i was dating if you did" She kisses me once more lightly "Come on lets g-" She stops "I didn't take you as the type to wear jewellery" She says as she notices

I look down at the locket i placed around my neck and i laugh

"We've got a lot to catch you up on"

Cursed ✔️ ||FemaleMalfoyxHarryPotter || Harry PotterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora