09 (Medium)

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That night i stand guard outside the tent with Hermione.

"So i take it you all missed me then?" I ask with a smile

"Of cause we did! If you would have come i'm sure we would have been able to get out with out being seen" She tells me "You know the ministry after all"

"Yes, sorry about that. I'd been told that Draco was beginning to ask questions about where i was to Mother and Father and they too were questioning me" I say with a sigh "So after i showed my face to them, they should all be reassured that i am actually at Hogwarts after all" I say glancing at her "It's hard living a double life you know. I wish they would just accept that i don't have the same views as them on purebloods" I says, going to take a step forward, but stopping when i hear footsteps

"Did you hear that?" I ask as i look at Hermione and she nods

Suddenly, a group of snatchers walks past us, carrying someone.

"Just stand still" Hermione whispers "They won't be able to see us" I nod at her

Suddenly, one of the stops and sniffs the air 

"Is this part of the plan as well?" I ask as she shakes her head frantically as he begins to walk towards her direction

"What's that smell?" He comments to the others as Hermione takes in a deep breath to stop him from hearing her breathing.

Suddenly, one of his guys places the boy he's carrying on the floor

"What are you doing?" He asks as he walks towards them and Hermione breaths a sigh of relief.

"He smelt it... my perfume" 


The next morning, i stand behind Hermione and Harry with Ron as we begin to walk to the nearest port key. Turns out i must have apparated further then i thought.

Walking along a stretch of dirt, glancing at my feet scraping the earth, i suddenly feel a hand on my arm.

I look up as Ron points to Harry and Hermione in front of us.

I watch as Hermione gives Harry a water bottle while touching his back.

"What's wrong?" I ask and he scoffs

"Did you not just see what i saw?" He asks me "Hermione and Harry seem awfully close don't you think?"

Now it's my turn to scoff "They're just being friendly" I say

"Yeah, really friendly" He says before he walks a step ahead of me, leaving me to question.


Lying next to Ron, i watch as Hermione cuts Harrys hair

Suddenly, she stands up and exclaims "I've got it, the sword of Gryffindor, it's Goblin made surely it could destroy the locket"

"What do you mean?" Harry says as he rushes over to a table to look at a book with Hermione.

I sit up as i watch them

"The sword of Gryffindor! You used it to kill the basilisk!" She says "It takes in energy from what it destroys. This means that if you find the sword you could destroy it"

"And that's why Dumbledore left it to me in his will!" Harry exclaims "Hermione you're a genius!"

Suddenly, the light in the tent vanishes and then comes back as everyone looks at Ron who holds his deluminator

"Yeah... i'm still here" He says bitterly "I thought you had a plan Harry, not this stupid sword" He says as Harry walks towards him and i stand up

"Oh well, i'm sorry that we are not staying in five star hotels and finding a horcrux every other day!" Harry shouts

"Do you want to know why i listen to that radio every night?!" He shouts after Harry accuses him of being no help "To make sure i don't hear Fred's name, or Georges or Ginny's and Mums."

"Do you think i don't understand? Do you think i don't know how it feels?!"

"No you don't understand, because your parents are dead, you have no family!" Ron shouts as the boys launch at one another and Hermione and i try to separate them, only just being able to

"Then go!" Harry shouts

"Fine, i will!" Ron shouts back as he grabs his bags 

"Ron.." Hermione says

"And you two, are you coming?" He asks us. Hermione looks back at Harry "I get it.. i saw you two the other night." He says looking between them as i look down  "And you?" He asks as he looks at me

It's silent for a minute before i say in a whisper "What exactly did you see the other night?"

"Scarlett-" Harry tries speaking but i turn away from him

"I saw them coming out of the woods together" He says and my heart aches

I look back at Harry as he tries to walk towards me, but i walk away

"I believe you Ron... i really do, but i can't leave them" I say

"Even after what they did?" He asks

"I left my Family for him. I have to stay with them now... i have to stop my Father" I say as i feel tears threatening to fall

"Fine." He says suddenly, as he walks away with Hermione running after him.

"Scarlett, we-" Harry tries to say but i cut him off

"How could you?" I say simply as i walk out the tent to have some alone time

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