Chapter 14

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I decided to take a bus back to the school. I was still too mad at Lucas. Seriously a headache right now. Pill number 6 of the day. When I got off the bus I took out a cigarette. I needed booze. I called Cain to see if we could drink under the bleachers tonight. He said he was out of whiskey. I hung up to see what to do? I looked over at a gas station. My mind clicked but how can I get the booze? Then I saw a guy walk out. My mind thought and made up it's mind before walking over to him. He had a little grey beard and black rectangler glasses. He wore a jump suit. "Hey sir?" I said.

He turns to look at me, "What you want sonny?"

I didn't like the way he called me that, "I will give you 50 bucks if you buy me a bottle of whiskey?"

The guy looks at me and smirks, "Sorry but I need more then that to do a illegal thing like that?"

"100? Thats all I have sir?"

He looks at my body, "You got a nice body there and your good looking. How about 50$ and your body for the night?"

I gulp. I look at his hand. There was ring, "But aren't you married?"

"My wife is out of town and I been lonely without her. So what's it going to be?"

I look over at the store, at the whiskey bottles. I will do it for the booze. I turn to him and with another gulp I nod, "Deal."

The man smiles and goes back into the store. I see him buying whiskey and then went over to a section and got a box of condoms. I know what he wants to do with them. Then I realized. My back! He will see! They haven't healed at all yet and there still rip and fresh with red marks covering the wounds. What would that guy do if he sees them? Will he get disgusted? I'm kind of hoping that would happen.

10 minutes later he meets me and tells me that he can't hand it too me out here where the gas station guy could see and told me to go into his car. With a sigh of not wanting to do this I got in his car.

He parks the car next to a normal size looking house. He got out and told me to follow him in the house and make myself comfortable. He had the whiskey bottle in his hand and without asking opens the bottle and takes out two whiskey glasses. He sets the glasses down and pours the whiskey. Going to the fridge he got a ice tray and plops three ice cubes in my glass and three in his. I thristy for whiskey so I gulped down for 1 minute. He got something out of his drawer and asks if I want one. It was a box of cigars. I nod my head, "I would like to know a person's name before I go to bed with them?"

"It's Samuel. And you are?"


"Hey I seem like a creep when I asked you for your body. But I'm gentle."

I sigh with relief.

"Well lets get started shell we?" he asks peering down on me.

I nod, "Where do you want to do it?"


My body was exposed by his hands. I let him undress me. It was my first time that somebody gave me both a blow job and rim. I was sort of ok with this. Is that wrong? I wonder if Lucas got this done to him? 'Whoa what?' I did not just think that. I didn't and you better forget it.

Samuel pushes me down on the bed. He told me to get my back to face him and my stomach facing the bed. When I did that he slips a finger in. Rayson hasn't done that he just put it in without any warning. I heard a gasp. The lights were on so he could see my body fully exposed in the light. "What's up with your back?"

"It''s nothing just forget it and do it."

"But your back-"

"Please just forget it and get it over with so I can go back to school tonight?"

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