Chapter 13

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watch this video for a little comic scene with a scene in this story-- video on the right -------------


Mean while driving with Lucas-

“You wanna do something tonight?”

I look away from the window and set my eyes on him, “Like in hanging out?”

“Yeah that’s what I meant hanging out?”

Sigh…I guess that’s alright. I mean I do feel like doing something tonight even if it’s with Lucas, “OK.”

“Great…how bout the park?”

“Whatever you want I’m fine with. Lets not forget I’m not from here so you do what you want to do?”

“Cool to the park we go then.”

At the park- There weren’t that many people there although it is the evening. Makes sense then. It wasn’t a big park. There is a playground with a slide and a swing set, and a monkey bar. I follow Lucas to the swings. He sits on one and asks me to join him.

I cross my arms, “That’s for kids not teenagers.”

“So…I’m going to swing and have fun anyway. You should loosen up and have fun too?”

I walk over to the swing next to him, “I guess,” sitting down.

Lucas starts swinging. Kicking from the ground. I did the same. “So,” he begins, “Rayson tells me that your mother is working overseas?”

“Yup she is.”

“Must be tough? I know how that is.”

I stop swinging, “Do you now?”

He stops swinging, “Sadly yes. My mother works in outer space and at the space station you know where they study the moon and the planets?”

“I know about those things I’m not an idiot.”

“She doesn’t come home for months. Last year we celebrated Christmas without her. It would probably be the same this year.”

I didn’t know how to react to this. ‘So he does know how I feel.’

“I’m probably somebody who knows exactly what you’re going through. My father is always working and the last time I saw him was yesterday. And that was in his office after not seeing him for a whole month.”

I look down at the ground, “At least your father…is alive.”

Lucas looks over at me, “What happened to him if you don’t mind me asking?”

I ones again had to tell someone a lie about my father’s death, “Drowned in an ocean.”

I heard him gasp, “Oh I’m…um sor-”

“Don’t be like the other people that tell me that their sorry that he died and that they feel my pain. Well guess what I’m sick of it.”

“Whoa Dylan calm down?”

I didn’t hear him speak I just went on, “I mean no one knows what another person feels when a parent dies infront of your eyes and helpless not to do anything.”


“What would they know about how I feel-”



He gets up and walks over to my swing, “Calm down. I don’t know how you feel. All I wanted to say is that I’m sorry that happened to you…that’s all.”

“Sorry I tend to ramble,” I turn to look at him, “it’s just I never had anyone to talk too about this besides Cain.”

“Was your mom there for you?”

I shook my head and got up from the swing, “She was never there when I wanted her to be. I learned to take care of myself with this.”

Lucas had sadness in his eyes. ‘I don’t need his sympathy.’ He walks over to me. I back away from him a little, “That must be tough?”

I shrug, “There isn’t anything I can do about it is there?”

“Listen there is a café shop across the street. I will be right back ok?”

Good then while he is gone I straighten myself out before he comes back, “Go ahead.”

While he was away I started thinking. On both my father, mother, and Lucas. Usually he is a jerk when he is with his friends. But when he is alone with me he turns nice. Why is that? I'm nothing special too him you know. Sigh...confusion in my mind. Then on Friday he recused me from the roof top. Never again will I do crack. Pot is good for drugs.

I was crossing my arms staring at the sky while thinking about my father. I didn't hear Lucas walking towards me until he was only a few week away and says, "Here?" I turn to him to see that he had two cups in his hands, "I got both of us hot chocolate."

I look surprised at him. 'He...he got me something from the cafe' shop?' I took the cup, "Thanks," I said with a smile. This was the first time a guy done this for me. Lucas looks shocked at me, "what?"

"You are smiling. It's been a few days since I saw that."

My smile left my face when Lucas comes closer to me and very slowly wraps an arm around my shoulder. I was feeling uneasy about this but for some reason I didn't slap it off. I drank from my cup. It is a pretty good hot chocolate. I look back at him and he was looking at me, "It's good chocolate. I thank you for doing this for me. I haven't had a guy do this before." I look back at him. He doesn't seem to be listening because his eyes were staring directly at my crotch. What a pervert. My face turned into a frown as he continued staring and wondering if he noticed me catching him. My face started getting red. Then it turned to anger when he kept on staring. I slap his hands off of me and kicked him in the stomach then poured my cup of hot chocolate on his face and walked off to get away from him for a few minutes or maybe even more depends how I feel afterwards. Right now it was pure anger. How dare he stare so intense at me like that! That jerk!

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