Gift of the Night Fury pt 1

Start from the beginning

Gobber: Yes, yes, nooo, nooo, no, that one a wee bit higher!

Viking: Here?

Gobber: There! Ah, that's the spot!

Viking: Alright!

A child dressed as a Gronckle roars at Meatlug, and Meatlug playfully roars back.

Fishlegs: Attaboy, Meatlug!

Astrid: Are you ready, girl?

Astrid throws two shields in the air, and Stormfly uses her tail spikes to nail them to a giant, wooden Christmas tree-like structure.

Stoick: Odin's beard, Gobber. Vikings spending the winter holiday with dragons. What would our fathers say?

Gobber: They'd think we'd lost our minds!

Stoick: Hahahahaha. Well done. Well done, all of you! I've never thought I'd live to see this day. Peace on the island of Berk. This will surely be the greatest holiday, we've ever seen!

Vikings and dragons cheer. They get interrupted by multiple dragon roars, and see hundreds of dragons are flying above Berk, and the island's resident dragons all join them and fly away.

Gobber: What in Thor's name?!

Snotlout: Come back! Where are you going?

Fishlegs: Meatlug!

Astrid: Where's Hiccup?

Hiccup: What do you say, guys? Wanna go again?

Hiccup had caught up with Ester and was told the she was just teasing him, much to his relief.

Ester: And risk you losing another leg? I thing I'm goo-

Ester gets interrupted yet again by the previous swarm of dragons flying towards them. Them having to dodge and swerve.

Hiccup: Whoa! AAAAHHH!

Ester: AH! What in Odin's name is going on!!?

Hiccups helmet gets knocked off by a random dragon.

Hiccup: Oh, no! My helmet! Aaaaaaaahhhhhh...!

Toothless dives for Hiccup's lost helmet.

Hiccup: Toothless! No, no, no, no! Whoa... Wait! Toothless! Stop! We'll get it later, bud. We need to get back and find out what's going on.

Hesitantly, Toothless obeys and flies back to Berk with the other two.

Viking: What's the matter? Where are you going?

Astrid: Nonono! Don't leave, Stormfly, don't go! Please?

Ester: Guys!?!

Astrid: Ester! Hiccup! What's going on? Where are they going?

Viking 1: Why did they leave?

Viking 2: What's happening?

Viking 3: Will they ever come back?

Hiccup: Stop! Wait!

Stoick: Calm down! Give him a chance to speak! Hiccup, where are all our dragons going?

Hiccup: Dad... I don't know.

Stormfly tries to encourage Toothless to join them, but Toothless can't because of his tail-fin. She then tries to convince Nightshade, who also declines for unknown reasons.

Viking: Where'd they go?! Snoggletog is ruined!

Stoick: It's not ruined! We're Vikings! We've been perfectly happy celebrating without dragons for generations! And there's no reason we can't do it again! Now we don't know where they've gone off to. But we have to have faith that they'll be back again soon. Am I right?

Gobber: You're right, we are Vikings! We are tough!

Gobber notices all the shiny bells and baubles attached to his arm and helmet.

Gobber: Most of the time...

Ester: Oh my Thor... [facepalms]

Gobber: Let's sing some Snoggletog songs!

The teens are walking back from the meeting in the Great Hall

Ruffnut: That was depressing...

Astrid: I know! I was looking forward to spending the holiday with Stormfly.

Fishlegs: [whistling]

Tuffnut: What are you so happy about? Don't you miss Meatlug?

Fishlegs: Me? Oh! Yeah! [fake sobbing] I miss him so much!

Ester: [sarcastically] Wow...Very convincing Fishlegs...

Fishlegs: Well, good night!

Astrid: I've got an idea! Let's come up with a bunch of new holiday traditions! You know, to bury the sadness!

Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Snotlout groan.

Hiccup: Actually, Astrid might be on to something.

Tuffnut: Easy for you to say. Your dragon can't go anywhere without you.

Snotlout: [to Ester] And YOUR dragon seems to be too attached to you to leave.

Toothless looks over the ledge of a cliff. Nightshade is also there, looking at Toothless curiously. He tries to comfort him by cooing at him, which seemed to help a bit.

Ruffnut: Must be nice.

The other teens walk off, leaving Ester and Hiccup alone. Hiccup felt guilty and sad for Toothless, knowing he was the reason he couldn't fly. Ester felt the same, but was also curious as to why Nightshade didn't leave with the other dragons.

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