3.The Solution

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Varun’s PoV

I could not process anything right. My life is at stake. Not in this life, I can tolerate her. Her disrespectful talks, her behavior, her non-stop chattering, her imperfect works, her tardiness! Nothing is tolerable. But it is Ammachi’s life on line now. I cannot risk it. I have to talk to her. I called her to my room through my mom. I was now waiting for her to come.

“What do you want to talk about?” She came dashing through the door. No knocks, no courtesy! This is what I have been talking about. She has no manners.

“Shut the f*** up. Don't you have the basic manners to knock on the door before entering someone’s room?”

“You called me and you know I will come. What is the use of knocking? Now don't waste my time.”

“You are unbelievable. Listen, I don't want to talk to you or even see you. You irritate my very being. But I have to look out for Ammachi.”

“I told you already not to nod your head for that old lady.”

“Shut up. Can’t you be respectful at least for her age. See, Ammachi’s operation is important now. Let's go and tell her we are ready to get married.”

“Hell no!” 

“Shut up and listen for god’s sake.” I shouted at her and she finally calmed down in fear. “Huh, listen, let's tell her we are ok to get married. Convince her that we will marry after she gets back from surgery. Then we will disagree about the wedding.”

“This will never work. You are an idiot to think of her so easily. She will ask us to get married before she goes into the hospital.” She said more quietly. Looks like she is scared of my temper. Good for me, at least one thing will come in handy to control her.

“You are not out of college yet. Let's ask for a year's permission. Let's say we will marry after you finish your college.”

“Are you really a retard? This stupid idea of yours will put us in a wedding hall for sure. Do you think my studies is very important for our family? Appatha will never let go if we say we are ok to marry. She would say we marry in our Kuladeivam temple today before she goes into hospital. All the elders appreciate this idea and one little confession from us is enough to seal the end. We will be trapped together for life.”

The very imagination is making me suffocate. No way I can live with her! She has a point. But we cannot be selfish when the life of a beloved person is at stake. I cannot believe she doesn't even have the compassion for Ammachi. 

“I know what you are thinking. I am not as selfish as you think. I care for my Appatha more than you do.”

“So do you have an idea?”

“Um… we will get married.”

“Are you mad?”

“Listen, if we go and tell them we are ok to marry, our parents will make it a real wedding. We will register our wedding. I will tie the nuptials myself. No one needs to know how we married. We will make Appatha believe that we are really married. She will agree to the surgery. Then you go back to chennai.”

“Very brilliant idea! Idiot. They will send you with me.”

“Don't think you are oversmart. I will ask my parents to stay behind to finish my studies.”

“You prove to be dumb. You just now said your studies is not very important for them.”

“Pch, they will agree this time because I have thrown my personal wish and married you for them. So they will think they are obligated to do this for me.”

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