18. The Haunted Forest

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With the fang in possession, you and Loki raced through the abstract halls until two guards bumped into you. "Hey, aren't you the mid-guardian who's banned?" Questioned the taller one. You two simultaneously froze at the reality of being caught. Within instants, the pair of guardians tossed you and Loki out of the palace.

"What do we do now? We have to meet Eitri in one more day." You asked the raven-haired man.

"I know, we might have to set up camp along the forest here."

You and Loki wandered away from the Asgardian palace and towards the woods. You hated how infuriated the AllFather became and chose to exile you from being secured inside the golden castle. It revealed the true nature of the Aseir and how they are insinuated with fear. It is what drives them. Take Loki's son Fenrir for example, the only reason Odin chained him up for eternity was that he feared the great wolf's size. He grew too large and the gods stripped him of his freedom. Just because it was told that he would be the origin of Ragnarök, it helped put in perspective how the gods ran things.

When upon reaching the woodland, you hear it hum to life as birds sang harmonies and the sun shone through the gaps of the canopy above. It reminded you of a time when people would be taking down their Halloween decorations in the midst of fall. The leaves danced in the cool breeze, and their red, orange and yellow autumn colors glistened beautifully. Brown was the main color with fallen trees, logs, limbs, twigs, thickets, pine needles, and pine cones everywhere. Branches cracked beneath your feet as you shuffled through debris. Squirrels chattered, wind whistling around trunks as they disturbed the leaves and the rustle of animals. You could almost taste the earthy air. "This is a good spot." Loki interrupted while entering a small field. You helped him set up shelter and a campfire.


The sun was near setting. You sat on a tree stump close to the fire while holding the tooth in your hand. The light from the blaze made it easier to study the rigid details. "So this is supposed to cut through my skin?"

"That's what the dwarf said."

"I never thought a wolf fang would be that sharp."

"When it's magical you never question it." Loki chortled as he joined your side on the stump.

"Speaking of magical stuff, there is something I should tell you."

"What is it?" Loki asked becoming concerned.

"I was woken up by something this morning when we were in the prison cell back at the palace."

"What forced you awake?"

"It was a dream...or vision. I was brought to the start of the universe. I witnessed the first-ever giant and how Odin and his siblings killed him. What scared me during this was when the last surviving Jötunn glared over at me and screamed that I was going to die." Loki stayed quiet. "I didn't know if this was a dream or a message. Either way, I felt very frightened."

"Why are you just now telling me this?"

"I shook the thought away and didn't think anything of it at first."

"What?!" Loki yelled with rage. "You had a perturbed vision that could have harmed you and you didn't think to tell me? The one who is basically looking after you for protection and your caretaker?!"

"Loki I-"

"You don't understand how dangerous that could have been (Name). That Jötunn could have literally kidnapped you! Again, you could have been abducted. I know it may have appeared like a dream, but he could've snatched you out of it and taken you. Remember things aren't normal right now! You could have been Thrym, the king of Frost Giants, next meal!" Loki argued.

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