15. Escape

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"It will take about two days for the magic to combine," Eitri said

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"It will take about two days for the magic to combine," Eitri said. Your jaw nearly dropped after hearing two days. "Hey, you can't rush perfection mortal!" Eitri shrugged, noticing your shocked demeanor. "Do you want to live or not?"

"I want to live." You answered the dwarf in a low voice.

"Thank you, dearest Eitri. We will return in two days with Geri's fang for the extraction!" Loki interrupted, dragging you towards the exit in a frantic attempt to leave the marketplace. You stray away from the miniature booth of enchanted weapons, observing as it became smaller and smaller in sight. The journey back through the crammed shops felt prolonged this time. Your stomach churned unpleasantly as if signaling a warning of trouble. It appeared as though someone kept a wary gaze on you. Your senses sharpened, becoming hyperaware of everything around you. Skin feeling tingly, you take a deep breath and look to your right, expecting your eyes to connect with a dog, bird, or even an elf, but nothing was there. Nothing but a lingering knowing.

You grip hold of Loki's shoulder as a way of informing him that something is not right. He immediately understood and tried to flee the markets while grabbing your good hand quickly. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a familiar face. It was the Jötunn from the remote house in Vanaheim. The very one who fought Loki and attempted kidnapping you. His red eyes glowed angrily as he met your gaze and began sprinting at you in hopes he captures his prey. It riddled fear in you. "Loki..." You spoke in a trembling fashion, shoving his arm. The raven-haired man turned his head and witnessed the giant running at the two of you. You both darted around the streets, dodging and weaving through groups of bystanders in an anguished escape from the Jötunn.


Within moments, Loki placed his arms around your figure, causing the both of you to disappear from the markets and teleport to the edge of the Rainbow Bridge. You peek down and see the rushing water below. You let out a cry as Loki is the only thing preventing you from falling to your death. He picked you up, dragging you away from the border and closer to him, now holding you in an intimate hug. You squeezed him harder in the connotation of knowing he saved you. "I didn't mean to take us here." Loki exhaled as he loosened his grip. "Not this far out in the open or this close to the damn bridge."

"It's okay, I'm just glad you caught me." You slightly blushed. "How are there Jötunn's in Asgard?" You asked, becoming more serious and remembering how the giant nearly snagged you.

"More has been able to enter through portals created by the Askaba..."


"We must stay out of danger and hide within the Asgardian castle," Loki said while helping you stand.

You two safely made it to The Royal Palace of Valaskjalf's doorway where an elderly servant woman stood at the top of the stairs. "Loki! You must speak with the Allfather at once! It is urgent." She declared.

He rolled his emerald green eyes in annoyance at the lady's statement. "Speak of the devil..." Loki sighed with sarcasm, not wanting to deal with another problem since it seemed difficult to catch a break.

You and Loki roamed the elongated corridors of the palace in pursuit of Odin's chambers. It reminded you of the first time you had seen Asgard, how astonishing it felt being in a new world... "What do you think he wants?" You break the silence.

"I have somewhat of an idea, but I do not have an idea on how to acquire his wolf's tooth yet. So for now we'll see what he wants and plan it later on," Loki said as he knocked on the immense double doors where Odin resided.

It crept slowly at first then abruptly slammed open. An angry god waited on the other side, "Loki!!" The Allfather bellowed with rage.

"I know it may seem bad..."

"Bad? Is this what you call BAD? Loki this is horrendous!"

You stepped back as the two gods discussed the matter. In the meantime, you tried to think of ways to get the great wolf's fang.

"Loki this may start Ragnarök prematurely! This cannot happen. Not in this timeframe and you know that!" Spat Odin.

"Oh, now you care? You didn't care that much last time I was here-"

"That was seven years ago! More ripples have torn in the fabric of time. This could be worse than Ragnarök!" Odin's face boiled with a deep red in outrage at Loki's witty mouth.

"We have a solution." Loki is subtly enjoying Odin's irritation as he seemed to find it entertaining rather than threatening.

"I don't want to hear it now! Not after you betrayed the gods and couldn't even redeem yourself with this mess!... The mortal cannot stay here in the palace."

"Give me two days..."

"No! They are too much of a threat to my people. I haven't done enough to stop this chaos, so I banish them from being here inside of Valaskjalf."

"I'm going to fix this, old man. Just wait!" Loki yelled starting to get worked up. You both left the conversation short and tried to think of places to hide out for the time being. "We could always stay in the prison cells below the palace. He didn't say anything about underneath Valaskjalf."

"Better that than risking sleeping out in the open." You smirked, having a tad of Loki rub off on you as you agreed to his mischievous plan.


After a bit of exploring for the penitentiary chambers, you and Loki finally find it in a dark enclosure under the castle of Asgard, much like the relic room from before. "We need to change our look...Here, I hope I have enough magic to transform us." Loki spoke softly. He motioned his hands once again in a ceremonial form. Green and yellow sparks flew in the air that eventually convert your hands and mouth into binds. Loki shifted into a guard that held a firm rope around your wrists. "Excellent!" Loki cheered with confidence, but at the same time surprised his powers actually worked in his favor this time.

"Halt!" Another guard shouted. "State your business." He didn't see the two of you shape-shift.

"Just drop'em off at the slammer," Loki said in disguise.

"Right that way," The guard said, buying the act as he moved aside.

"Wow, that was easier than I thought." Whispered Loki. The two of you ended up at a cell towards the very back left side, completely out of sight from any guards or prisoners. "This is perfect." He smiled as he untied your bindings. "Hold my hand." You take his palm. "Deep breath!" At the same time, you both inhale and walk through the yellow glowing barrier.

"How did we move through the-?"

"A magician never reveals his secrets." He snickered. You brush the thought away and immediately plopped on the soft mattress next to the raven-haired man. "There is a shield around us that projects an illusion of prisoners in this cell, so we are safe in here from being caught. I also made the guard think I left already."

"I hope the illusion doesn't wear off."

"Hey don't jinx it (Name)!" Loki said as he pinned you down on the bed.

"I'm just kidding!" You giggle, staring up into his giant puppy-like eyes, admiring how beautiful they are.

"Let's rest. We really need it. Especially in such a luxurious bed." Loki laid down. You do the exact same but curl into his side. He noticed and encased his arms around you, both dozing off into a nap.

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