The Search

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Grace has been working on something in her office and has been very secretive. I knock on the door and hear things moving and she unlocks the door and opens the door. I look around and see her printer still printing so I try to see what is printing and she tells me it is patients files and I can't see them. Odd that she has never printed them off before in her home office for fear of anyone seeing them and now she is.

I checked on line sites and found a few places that I could find out about women looking for husbands. So I check them out, there are no photos, which could be good or bad. I am not using a gender specific name and I can check out male a female profiles. I am looking for the ages and other things like hair and eye color and I see a few young ladies that would be a perfect match for my sons on paper. I also see a few matches for Mia. I decide to sign off and go out and fix lunch. I am going to see if I can find a few other sites that are looking for single friends. I saw one that was advertising for brides, but didn't like the site. There were plenty of photos and I had an awful feeling about them. Like it was a possible human trafficking site. Or a site where the women use men to get there green card and brought over by desperate men to marry them only to find out the women used them to become a US citizen and left. Then there are the men who have nefarious reasons to get the women over to the US and they become prisoners of the men who paid for their trip.

Mom is acting a bit strange and has asked for help from Barney my IT guy for his help on something but he is sworn to secrecy. I don't want mom to get mad at me if I try to get into her business with Barney and I definitely don't want to fire Barney. He just tells me if my mother wanted me to know she would tell me. I forgot that Barney wasn't afraid of me and it is because he is an IT genius and can't be replaced. So I am thinking it is something to do with computers. I will not press it any further.

Mom has asked us all when we are going to marry and give her grandchildren. This time we heard the tone of her voice and she is serious about wanting us married and giving her grandchildren. She has no idea how close she was to being a grandmother after my last fling called worried about being pregnant luckily she wasn't. That was the last time we hooked up. Christian looks at us and frowns.

Okay something is up with mom and I can't figure it out, even dad has noticed it as well. I won't tell them that mom and Barney are communicating with each other. Barney has made sure I can't find out what he and mom are up to. I think he knows he would be in hot water on both sides if he told me what was going on.

I am dumbfounded about mom being so secretive and now she is asking when we are going to get married and have her grandkids. Elliott called me regarding the scare about Paula Stewart possibly being pregnant and he asked if I heard anything at all. I told him it wasn't the first time she thought she was pregnant.

Carrick gives me a look and says leave them alone and if they marry or not it is there choice not ours.

If they choose to marry it will happen naturally. You keep pushing them and they might never marry or have children. They aren't even thirty years old and are still building their companies.

I checked all the sites mrs Grey asked me to and started figuring out what she was doing. I came up with an alternative plan for her to use. I am going to set a site for singles to meet at a charity party that she can throw and have her children come to. It s a good cover story and we can get an idea how many will come to it. It will be held at the banquet hall and she won't be involved in it. I set it up so a donation would get you in the place and then you would mingle with people. I decided I wanted to meet some of the singles as well, so I helped her along with friends of mine as we set it up within a few weeks and we had a full house in a week. Then we were getting more people wanting more dates. We decided what we wanted to do about getting her children to come to it. I then decided to hold a raffle where singles could win invitations to a few galas given that only a select few attended. That got a lot of interests. So we got a bigger banquets room to accommodate the bigger numbers. Four hundred men and women were awaiting the ticket draws. Two hundred of each sex. An up and coming band got free publicity and it was posted on line. Soon we had to rent a place to accommodate people and everything else. At this point I decided this was a perfect idea for the Seattle area and I bankrolled the whole thing and actually hired Elliott to help me get all the licenses and permits and getting the building up to code to also include handicap everything.

Barney has a great idea a singles club that caters to even the handicapped. He has an online site that brings in just single people and they meet every two weeks and there is a lotto to attend a charity gala. We get it done and he invited me and my siblings. He asked if I could get invitations to my mom charity galas to help bring in the singles. I called her and she said if it was a worthy cause she could. So I got a table for eight.
It opened up and I got the invitations for the lotto. Mia, Christian and I walk in in casual dress and The band was playing and women and men are everywhere. We find a place to sit and Barney texts me about the invitations and tells me where to bring them. I get up and go find him and give them to him. Soon the party is starting with music and then they call for the first lotto. A young lady wins the fist invitation. Quite cute if you ask me. Everyone here is 18 and older. I even see older people. Mia was asked to dance and off she went. We didn't see her for a while. Somehow she ended up with ten phone numbers. The next lotto was given to the guy who got her out in the dance floor.

Elliott was dragged out on the dance floor by four young ladies and then I was pulled out there as well. For some reason I really enjoyed dancing with all these young ladies. All were single and looking, but were very particular about what they want in a mate. They never gave us their names and asked us not to give them ours. It was great and due to the lighting they couldn't tell who we were at all. Finally the last invitation was given out to a person who looked like a child in a wheelchair. She smiled and thanked the MC and left the building soon afterward.

I got the last invitation and my driver helped me into the back seat of the car.

Did you meet anyone Ana?

No I think the wheelchair worked very well. Good idea helping me into the car as to not raise suspicions. Are we sure these people aren't on the up and up, because they seem like they are?

We will find out soon enough. You got an invitation I see.

Yes, I was very lucky and it definitely looks legitimate to me. I thought I saw the Grey children on the dance floor but I could be wrong and I see the charity on this invitation is what she holds.

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