Karlnap ~ Talk That Talk ~🌺

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Talk that talk is about trying to get another person to talk about how they feel. It's specifically targeted at Twices fanbase, Once! Anyways, this is going to be about Karl urging Sapnap to speak out about his undying love for him! That's a pretty dramatic description but oh well.

Question of the day: What do you think of the song, "I'm Gonna be a Star?"

Lol, only twice fans will understand this question. NGL it's gotten stuck in my head sometimes...


Karl POV:

Tell me something, when you have feelings for someone would you confess to them first? No! Now, I understand that completely and I definitely agree with that statement, but if Sapnap doesn't confess I am going to burst!

I have occasionally hinted at my "undying love" for Sapnap and he hasn't responded in any way I want him to. All he does is play it off like it's a joke! I know when someone doesn't like me, but according to my calculations there is a 60 percent chance of him returning my feelings.

Where did I get 60 percent you ask? Well, if Sapnap is 21 and I'm 24, then when you add those two together and you get 45. Now, there's still 15 years needed to make 60, so you take Tommyinnit's age in 2019 and BAM, 60. Don't ask questions it makes sense and is legit.

Now of course I could confess, but that's the last resort. If we're being honest I'm the bottom here! In all fairytales the top is definitely supposed to confess, right?

So my goal for today is to make Sapnap to confess! If he doesn't confess then I hope that won't be my goal for all of eternity. All I need him to do is utter these exact words out of his mouth. I. Love. You.


(Time Skip to Morning)

I set my plate of food on the table. Sapnap is seated to the right of me and we eat in silence scrolling on our phones. I contemplate on starting a conversation but I don't have too.

"You know, your a cool friend. You're just comfortable with silence, I like that."

Sapnap says starting the conversation for me.

I smile.

"Ooh so I'm sPeCiAl!"

Sapnap and I share a laugh until he continues the discussion.

"In all seriousness you are, I just feel different about you..."

Sapnap' cheeks start flushing pink while mine do the same.

"What do you mean you feel different around me?"

Glory gleams in my eyes as I can see him hesitate before speaking.

"I mean you're just a different level of friend, maybe you're my best best friend!"

Sapnap patted me on the back and retreated to his room.

I imagine an imaginary tear run down my face. Video game letters pop up above my head and say, "Rejected, Cause: Friendzoned." 

I stop bulling myself and build up my endurance again.

I will not give up!


(Time Skip to Afternoon)


Sapnap's audio cuts out for the hundredth time today. I laugh so much that tears are pricking at my eyes.

"Don't tell me I cut out again."

"Yes you did!"


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