A Taste Of The Real Thing

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Iida's POV

As I walked through the halls of the hospital making my way to Tensei's room all I could feel was dread. To see the man I looked up to all my life in such a state. It felt like the world was crumbling at my feet. The anger that I felt for the villain that did this to my brother was unlike anything I'd ever felt before. All I wanted was to wring the life out of him. When I opened the door, what I saw shocked me.

Tensei: "Little brother!" My brother exclaimed as he limped over to me. Tensei was walking! "Isn't it wonderful?!"

Iida: "T-Tensei" I felt tears welling up in my eyes, and I held onto him tight. "Is this real?"

Doctor: "Very. Though I would say his days of hero work truly are over." The doctor said, looking over Tensei's chart. "Unfortunately the damage, while not as bad as it could be, is still permanent. I'm afraid that you'll never be your old self, young man."

Tensei: "I know." Tensei looked at me but gave me a somber smile. "But I have faith in the next Ingenium."

Iida: "How is this possible?" I said still holding onto my brother as if he would disappear if I let go.

Doctor: "A young man asked to see your brother. He was initially refused but then showed his credentials, claiming to be a hero in training but was under orders by UA. We ran a background check and nothing turned up that would have forced us to refuse."

Iida: 'Hero in training?' "Sir, did this young man have very long spiky hair?"

Doctor: "Yes he did. Do you know him? Another hero in training with you? Also, it's Doctor I didn't spend the better part of a decade learning medicine to be called 'Sir'"

Iida: "Forgive me it's just a shock is all." I said apologetically. Even though he answered my question it just raised more. "Doctor, what did he do?"

Tensei: "I can answer. He just spent the whole night with me. Some sort of green light poured out from his hands into my body. At first, I didn't feel any different. But as the hours passed I could feel my legs moving. After nine hours of him just sitting there constantly even while the staff went about treating me, he was still there. At the tenth hour, his glowing stopped and he sat me up. The doctors tried to stop him but when my feet hit the floor I could stand again and even walk. Though it was a bit painful to do. Throughout all of it though he never said much, only asked questions. Namely about you."

Iida: "Me?"

Tensei: "He asked about your birthday, favorite foods, and color. Asked me to tell stories about our childhood." Tensei's face shifted to one of pain and fear. "Then he asked about him. Stain."

Iida: "The one who did this to you?" I asked the venom clear in my voice.

Tensei: "Yes. He wanted me to describe him. His appearance, weapons, quirk, and anything he said, even in passing. Everything."

Iida: "What did he tell you?"

Tensei: "It was mostly rambling about fake heroes and wiping the slate clean through bloodshed. All I know is when he fought me I lost the ability to move."

Iida: "Because he stabbed you?"

Tensei: "No, because his quirk held me in place so that he could stab me." He sat back down on the bed and laid back. "Listen, I'll be okay, little brother. Just go make sure to tell Mom to come to see me. She saw what that boy was doing and was just as confused. Tell her to come back and see me. She must be worried sick."

Doctor: "Quite right. You need to rest so I can get proper readings to determine if you're fit enough to go home. You, on the other hand, can go about your day. Don't worry your brother is in safe hands." I nodded and exited the room.

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