Winner Take All

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After the match between the two, both Todoroki and Izuku were pretty banged up. Izuku more so than the other. One of his legs was broken from the force of the jump as well as one of his arms and eight of his fingers. I waited outside while Recovery Girl was busy setting Izuku's bones. I've studied some basic medical stuff in case I ever needed it but the thought of moving a bone back into place always made me sick let alone having to hear it. As I waited I saw All Might coming around the corner, he gave me a friendly wave, I was about to wave back but Todoroki came out and I saw All Might rapidly get back behind the corner occasionally peaking out. Todoroki didn't notice him and seemed fixated on me. His head was bandaged up but other than that he seemed okay.

Y/N: "All good?" I asked, and he gave me a nod.

Todoroki: "Recovery Girl says I'm lucky to have just some stitches and not any internal damage or a concussion."

Y/N: "I agree, I didn't expect Izuku to thrust his entire body through multiple concrete walls just for the chance to win. That must have been a lot of force that impacted you two." He was silent, it seemed like he wanted to say something but was choosing his words carefully. "Everything alrig-?"

Todoroki: "Why?" He said flatly.

Y/N: "What do you mean? Why what?"

Todoroki: "Why did you stop my father?" His eyes were deadly serious. He was looking for any indication of an ulterior motive. "I understand some are indifferent to him. Some just write him off because they like All Might better. But with you, I know anger toward him better than anyone and what I saw in that hall was like looking back at my younger self. So I want to know. Why is it you have something against him?"

Y/N: "I suppose that it's no secret to you that your father and I know each other."

Todoroki: "He did mention a long-haired child with incredible power to me once before. I can only assume it was you but I wasn't sure until now."

Y/N: "Much like you I met him several times as a child. Even then I could tell that he was anything but a pure soul. I grew up in fear of him, I was afraid that one day my father would have me train with him as I had with All Might growing up." Todoroki seemed shocked to hear that All Might was my teacher long before ever coming to UA. "I was lucky though and didn't ever train with him. However today he asked something of me that only confirmed everything I thought about him."

Todoroki: "He asked you to make me use my fire didn't he."

Y/N: "He offered me money to make you use your quirk in battle." He glared at me he looked like he was ready to fight already. "You can relax, I already told him flat out no."

Todoroki: "Why?"

Y/N: "Because I don't want you to fight me with your quirk because I was bribed into beating you. I want you to do it so we can both go all out and show all these people what were really made of. It might seem like a simple thing but I am a prideful person and I won't accept anything but 100% from you. So you'd better come at me with all you've got." Todoroki didn't say anything he just looked at his left hand, back to me, and nodded before walking away back to the waiting rooms. I waited for him to be out of sight before I call back to All Might. "You can come out now."

All Might: "Endeavor tried to enlist your help against Young Todoroki?"

Y/N: "Yes he did." I said irritated. All Might let out a heavy sigh.

All Might: "That man. He has great expectations for him but for all the wrong reasons."

Y/N: "I can't imagine growing up the way he did. If nothing he has gained my respect."

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