Declaration Of War

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As I walked to the front gates of UA I saw a large crowd of people with cameras out front. A lot of my classmates were being interviewed by these reporters, they seemed relentless so I tried to just squeeze past and enter UA without being noticed. Of course trying to make a 14 year old with hair down to his feet seem inconspicuous is like trying to make the sun seem dark. A female reporter grabbed my arm before I went through the gates making me jump a bit. She let go and started trying to interview me.

Reporter: "Sorry about that. We are trying to conduct interviews on the latest updates with All Might as a member of UA's faculty. So what is it like having All Might as one of the teachers here?!" She said holding a microphone up to my mouth. I knew that they would just grow more restless if I tried to run and cause more trouble for the other students so I tried my best to answer them.

Y/N: "Well i-its nice. It reminds me of being a kid again."

Reporter: "Oh? How so?"

Y/N: "I-I got to see a lot of him as a kid. S-Seeing as my D-Dad and some of his fellow pros kinda k-knew him."

Reporter: "Camera! Camera now!" Her cameraman came and nearly hit my face with his camera after stumbling over. "So, you're telling me that you've known All Might since you were how old?"

Y/N: "M-My dad said since I was about t-three..." I said holding up three fingers. This was becoming a bit out of my control. But I can't run away without hurting them, they have me backed against the gates wall.

Reporter: "And how old are you now?" She said getting closer.

Y/N: "F-Fourteen..." I said sheepishly.

Reporter: "Ladies and gentlemen at home we are here at UA high. One of the most prestigious campuses on the planet and the alma mater of the number one hero All Might. This young man. I'm sorry what's your name?"

Y/N: "Y/n A-Aizawa Ma'am." I was not prepared for an interview but everything was moving so fast. I couldn't run away.

Reporter: "Yes thank you. Y/N Aizawa folks! This young fourteen year old boy has exclusive knowledge of the number one hero because he has know him since he was three and was raised by a pro hero!" The other reporters heard her and surrounded me bombarding me with questions.

Reporter 2: "How fast have you seen him defeat a villain?!"

Reporter 3: "What sort of training does the number one hero put himself through to keep him ready to protect us?!"

Reporter 4: "Has he trained you exclusively in all the years you've known him?!"

Reporter 5: "What pro is the name Aizawa associated with?!"

Reporter 6: "Has his recent employment at the school taken away from his work as a pro to your knowledge?!" The first reporter was pushing back the rest, holding her mic to me while keeping them at bay.

Reporter: "Back off! I had him first! Now tell us Y/N. What sort of class assignments have been given to you by the All Might? Does he give you any special treatment since you've known him all this time?"

Y/N: "W-Well I-I do get special t-treatment. B-But not in the way you think! Its just that I'm a lot stronger than a lot of my classmates. S-So the first assignment that was g-given to me by All Might t-technically was having me... fight all of my class at once." All the reporters went silent for a moment and then began launching more questions. Less about All Might and more about me.

Reporter 2: "Is your strength because of past training with All Might over the years?!"

Reporter 3: "What hero agency are you planning on applying to?!"

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