Crash (Prologue)

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Flashback 12 years ago

It was a calm night during Shota Aizawa's patrol, which was more than welcome for the man. As he ran along the rooftops trying to find a proper place to keep himself for the night. He saw what looked to be a shooting star falling to earth, gleaming across the sky.

Aizawa: "Hmm, that's odd. It should be gone by now." He said as he saw it getting closer and brighter. The object coming into view. "Oh shit, that's no meteorite."

The ball-like ship passed over his head narrowly missing the pro. The ball didn't slow down a single bit as it crashed into Toboka beach creating a huge crater that was slowly filled halfway with water before the tide receded. The tiny ship caused a good amount of the debris and trash thrown there to be destroyed. Aizawa fumbled for his phone to call for backup. This could be dangerous if it had such little regard for its safety crashing like that. He called the only few people he could think of.

Aizawa: "Come on pick up!" A few voices groaned as they answered.

Midnight: "Eraser it's 4 in the damn AM. What do you want?!"

All Might: "Ugh. Now hold on Midnight I'm sure he has a good reason for waking us at this time... Please tell me you do."

Aizawa: "If you shut up for a second you'd know."

Midnight: "What happened?"

Aizawa: "This thing nearly took my head off and crashed into Toboka beach. I believe you're familiar with the place All Might, that's why I called."

All Might: "A villain perhaps?"

Midnight: "You said thing right? What did you mean?"

Aizawa: "I think it's a ship. It's small too so it might be just one but it made one hell of a crater."

All Might: "Alright Eraser. Stay put and wait for backup we're on our way. Don't engage unless something about this ship changes."

Midnight: "sighs I need to redo my makeup." Aizawa heard her say before she hung up.

Aizawa: "And this is what passes for pro now... I miss my sleeping bag." Aizawa said, watching the ship waiting for any sort of change.

Time skip

Once Aizawa saw Midnight and All Might show up at the crater he jumped down and greeted them. They all carefully approached the pod. Midnight had her whip ready as did Aizawa with his scarf. All Might reared a first back ready to knock off the door. A sudden hiss came from the pod as its front opened up to reveal a small infant inside wrapped in a red blanket and strange armor. They all readied themselves prepared to fight whatever was inside but stopped when they saw the small figure laying inside.

Midnight: "OooooH!" Midnight squeed as she went to see the small child resting inside much to the other pros' shock. "Aww, he is so adorable! Hey there little guy, aren't you just the cutest little thing."

Aizawa: "Careful Midnight we still don't know anything about this kid. This could be a trick by a villain." Midnight wasn't listening as she scooped up the infant and held him in her arms. "I'm just being ignored aren't I?"

Midnight: "Come on Eraser. This little bundle of joy? A villain trick? He barely looks two." She started to tickle him and he woke up as he looked around it was clear that the commotion was scaring him. He began to cry loudly. "Oh no-no. Shh it's okay you're okay. Everything is fine. Don't cry."

Midnight did her best to comfort him and when it was clear that he was inconsolable she used her quirk to ease him back to sleep.

Aizawa: Nermuri?! Aizawa said, shocked at his friends rash actions.

Midnight: Sorry! I panicked! He looks like hes okay. I guess it doesnt affect him all that much. They all relaxed and made sure the child was fine.

All Might: "Seems like we got riled up for nothing. Although that ship is still a mystery. Anything on it?" Aizawa walked up to the pod and picked up some odd clothing items similar to the ones the child wore under that armor and with a new set to go with it. As well as a device with a few colored buttons on it.

Aizawa: "Only this." He pressed a red button on it and a static riddled message played. It was a woman's voice.

???: "He-o th/s is *#*#*#*##**. This is an urgent mes%$ge to wh-er finds this pod. Please, take care of my son. Our planet is being des%$#ed this boy may be the only hope our race has left. One of the last Saiyan children." Screaming could be heard as well as what could only be described as an rumbling explosion slowed down and up close. "Goodbye my son. Goodbye... my love."

Midnight: "Oh my God." She said looking at the sleeping child she held. "He's all alone. He could be the last one."

All Might: "We can't just leave him. That woman begged whoever found this pod to watch after her child." All Might grabbed him in one hand. "So Aizawa. It's up to you."

Aizawa: "WHAT?!" All Might recoiled and checked on the baby.

All Might: "Easy. The kid is still sleeping."

Aizawa: "I can't just take him in All Might. What about my job? Villains arent just going to stop committing crimes because I choose to be a dad."

All Might: "A true hero's job is to usher in the next generation and prepare them for the villainy of this world. You of all people should know that." Aizawa slumped defeated and picked up the boy holding him close. "See you're already getting the hang of it."

Aizawa: "Don't push it." He said, giving him a glare that made even All Might nervous. He looked down at the boy sleeping trying his best to hold back a smile. 'Damn it I hate when he's right.

Midnight: "He gets to take care of the baby? Damn it, I wanted more time with him."

Aizawa: "I'll be sure to call you if I need a sitter."

Over the next 12 years, Aizawa would take care of the Saiyan child, naming him Y/N Aizawa after officially adopting him. Y/n showed incredible prowess when it came to battle despite not having a quirk. By age 3 he was strong enough to lift a garbage truck off of one of his toys left in the street. He would even catch Y/N floating around to get at things he wanted around the house. Seeing his strength Aizawa made sure to train him to harness it properly by the time he could walk, taking a lot of time off both his patrols and job to take care of the boy's incredible strength. Nezu was coming close to replacing Aizawa at his teaching position but once Y/N transformed into a Great Ape during the night of a full moon he relented and allowed the time off to ensure the safety of the city. Despite the rampage, the pro heroes didn't remove his tail as All Might was able to knock Y/N out and have him revert into his normal state. Once Aizawa got a handle on Y/N with the help of Toshinori, Nemuri, Hizashi, and even occasionally Emi after finding out her crush became a father. Though she mainly came when it was time to celebrate the boy's birthday to be the beacon of laughter for him. Aizawa had Y/N sent to school as he wanted him to get a proper education and not rely on his strength to get him through everything. Y/N did his best and tried to be the smartest he could be, getting an average B+ score with occasional A's when Aizawa would promise to reward him with training. Y/N was a reserved boy due to his intelligence being above average and his strength making him hesitant to engage with his fellow classmates. This led to a fair amount of bullying but Y/N never really let it bother him unless they got physical. After an incident that left one of Y/N's bullies nearly paralyzed it became clear that they couldn't target him and opted to let him be from that point on. During his 7th grade in middle school, he had scored an average throughout that year so much higher than his classmates that he had to be moved ahead a grade. When learning of this Aizawa suggested enrolling at UA to be closer to his son and guide him along the way to being a great hero. Y/N agreed with his father wanting to learn from the same school that he had both attended and taught at. He vowed to one day become the Hero of the World.

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