"I should be there for them

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"I should be there for them. I am a worrier. I have trained to protect the ones I love. And I can't go... I can't help. All because..." I touched my belly as I recognized what I was saying. I felt horrible for even thinking for a second I didn't want him or her in me but I was so frustrated that is all that I could think of. "I'm sorry... I am just..." I grabbed my hair wanting to pull it all off but letting it go before finally taking a seat. "I know he will, I am just not used to having others helping me."

"It's understandable. I hated it as well. I used to stress out over the smallest things. About the maids doing the bed just right, about Jaime staying still at the dining table, about Tywin being gone for so long. All of that bothered me when I had Tyrion... Years later when I came to find out his condition... I blamed myself. I think that all my stress made him be born that way. I still do till today. That is why I care that you are healthy and well kept during these times. Childbirth is no easy task my child, you will come to find out in time, but we can make it much easier on ourselves. We just let some of the stress go once in a while." Anna spoke her words and I had to say I had never thought about it that way. Not that I would mind if my baby was born like Tyrion but I remembered the fact that he was shamed for his condition for years by the people around him.

I placed my hand over my belly once again and I realized that she was right. I could be harming him by just being upset and that wasn't right. It wasn't fair to Jaime that was worried about me from so far away. As I had my hand there I felt something kicking me and I got scared for a second. "I think... I think he moved," I said, not believing it myself. It moved... Did he know I was upset?

Anna was overjoyed as she placed her hand next to mine confirming it herself as my baby moved again. "He can hear you Rosa. You have to be calm for him... You will see everything will be alright, all you must worry only about is this little one," she wrapped her arm around me and made me rest my head on her shoulder as she confirmed me. She ran her fingers through my hair and I started to feel better knowing that I had to start letting others take care of me. They loved me and I had to accept the fact that it wasn't just me anymore.

5/23/302 AC

Dorne (Water Gardens)

Jaime's point of view

I was making my way towards the meeting that the Martells had set up to talk about my visit. Their guards were trying to seem intimidating with their ax's and curved blade swords but I knew that they wouldn't do anything to me, well at least not before speaking. "Please sit," the prince Doran commanded me as he was having his wine served. In the room were him, his sister, Myrcella, and her so called love. "As you see we just started."

"Myrcella, what a lovely dress, you might be cold," I wanted her to cover up. For god's name she was showing so much of her chest I was scared she would show much more than she needed in front of her own father.

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