Break into Police Headquarters

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You, Donnie, and Leo walked in awkward silence for the rest of the way.

Donnie kept staring at you and Leo, only averting his gaze when Leo shot him an occasional stern glare.

Donnie then turned to look at you, and you whipped your head around to glare at him.


Oh God he was getting annoying, the next time he looks at you, you're just going to say-

And then he looked at you, AGAIN.


Leo snickered as Donnie mumbled apologies under his breath. Leo then sent you a smile, and you returned it as you continued walking.


"Wow!" Donnie exclaimed from on top of a planet. He was hanging onto one of the floating displays, grasping one of the strings holding it up firmly in his hand.

You and Leo were walking around, staring in awe at the beautiful artifacts.

"Woah, look at this Lee!" You exclaimed as you pointed at a sparkly looking meteorite, little bits of different rocks and gems embedded in it.

"It's so beautiful..." You murmured as you pressed a gentle hand on the meteorite, feeling the roughness of the rock and all of its grooves and cracks.

"Mhm~" Leo responded, although as you turned around to look at him you could tell he wasn't talking about the space-rock.

You blushed wildly as Donnie suddenly shouted, "I've always wanted to come here!"

Leo looked up at his brother, steering you away from the rock as he shouted back, "Quit screwing around Donnie! 30 Seconds until the cops are at the door!"

You smirked at him, "Why you getting on your brother, but not me?"

He stated at you before cracking a smile, "Cause you're not annoying."

You snorted, "Not even that snort?"

He laughed, "No... it's adorable."

You stared at him eyes for a second more, taking in the brilliant blue in his eyes when a sudden THUD! Caught your attention.

"Woah!" Donnie muttered as he walked over to a larger meteorite, (interrupting yours and Leo's moment), he touched the strange rock, this one with lots of strange little symbols.

He tapped on his watch, a hologram spitting out of it as he scanned the rock. Similar to how he had scanned your sister that first night on the rooftops.

"Boo-yah!" He announced, "Shredder and the mutants were definitely here! A-and... wait. I'm detecting traces of neutronium... the critical ingredient for creating a controlled black hole... which is the only thing capable of rupturing the space time continuum..."

Donnie then turned towards Leo and you, the light of his hologram temporarily blinding both of you, "And you know why that means!"

Leo stared at the rock for a second before realizing that Donnie had wanted an answer, he turned back to his brother, "No Donnie, I don't."

You giggled, HE was the adorable one here. Not you.

"It means..." Donnie lectured with a sigh as he pulled up an image of a black hole, "That Shredder may not be as nuts as I thought! With the data that I collected here... I'm surmising that what was inside of this thing, may help Shredder open that portal to another dimension."

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