Giant Rat: 1 New Guy: 0

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You turned around and felt instant relief at the sight of Raphael. You were immensely glad it was him and not someone else who had yelled out from the dark.

You then saw Leo hop down besides him, which made you EVEN happier.

Just about to start walking forward, you felt a strong hand grab you and push you behind him.

Casey Jones was standing protectively between you and April, his hockey stick in hand as he shakily threatened the turtles, "Get- back! Do... Not... EAT US!" You and April giggled as you shared a look with the turtles, Leo flashing you an adorable grin as Casey acted out what he was saying, "We are not food! The people of uh- Earth, ARE NOT YOUR ENEMIES!"

Mikey turned to Raph, "Yeah? Yeah. Watch this big brah."

He jumped down in front of Casey, and you and April stepped out of the way so he could do his little prank.

Mikey intimidatingly circled Casey, swinging his nunchucks and inching closer as he spoke in an alien like voice, "We were sent, by the Supreme Leader, to eat delicious humans, and dip them... IN RANCH DRESSING!"

Mikey blocked Casey's hockey stick with his nunchucks. He continued glaring at him for second more, before letting out a soft chuckle and punching the Foot Clan soldier, (Who had gotten up), and apologizing to Casey.

"Heh- sorry man! I was only kidding! I'm a vegan!" He paused, thinking for a second before counting off items on his fingers, "Except for meat... and cheese- and uh... and eggs!"

Donnie chuckled as his younger brother wakes back to stand next to him, and Casey looked at you and April with wide eyes, probably wondering what the HELL was happening.

You grinned, going along with Mikey's shenanigans, "I-I think I've been infected! He- his stench! UGH!"

You gripped your throat, falling to the ground dramatically, and coughing loudly.

Casey almost screamed, but he was rooted to the spot in fear.

"AHAHAHAHAHHAHA!" You and Mikey burst out at the same time, you clutching your stomach as you laughed. The other turtles and April let small giggles escape as Casey stared back and forth between all of you. You were surprised he hadn't fainted yet, and even more surprised at Leo's handsome face frozen in a smile directed towards you.

"Relax Casey," April said as she helped you up off of the ground, "They're our friends."

Casey stared at her, clearly unbelieving as he pointed at them with his Hockey Stick, "They're uh- they're your... friends?"

"Yeah they're our friends."
"You tell 'em!"
"There a problem with that Jones?"

You added in the last part with a smirk, glancing at Leo. He was shaking his head and lightly laughing under his breath.

"Mmkay, so!" Mikey started as he rubbed his hands together, "Donatello over there in the purple, is a technical genius, who is TECHNICALLY, A GENIUS!"

Donnie turned his back to Casey before turning back around and striking a pose, Mikey applauding him lightly as he pointed at Raph next, "Raphael over there in the red, is like a big cuddly teddy bear."

Raph shot him an incredulous look that just screamed, 'If you don't take that back, I will FUCKING MURDER YOU AND EVERYONE YOU'VE EVER LOVED.'

Mikey took a gulp as he turned back to Casey, slowly correcting himself, "If uh- if big cuddly teddy bears were incredibly violent!" Raph gave him an approving nod as Mikey turned to face Leo, gesturing widely with his hands, "This is Leonardo, He's in the blue, Fearless Leader!"

"Fearless Together..." (TMNT: Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora