Chapter 2

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Reality Show Lovers

Chapter 2

Do you know that feeling when you're so utterly confused that you just can't think straight? Or when you really don't know what's going on that your mind just blacks out?

Well, that was me right now.

Eric puts down his finger and continues staring at me. The students gasp and whisper as they surround me, engulfing me in a circle. What? Why were they staring? What did Eric mean?

I shake my head and scoot away from the crowd, walking fast so that they won't catch up with me.

I head to class. The whole day was done in my usual routine; go to class, lunch, and hang out with my friends.I didn't have a whole lot of friends, so I stuck to the ones I know.

Finally it was seventh period. AP English. AP English was my favorite subject. All you did was read, write and sleep within fifty minutes. Sometimes the teacher brings us to the library to research, but she disappears somewhere so we end up sleeping or talking. The class was really chill, but the teacher made it boring. She didn't mind what you were doing. That's why I loved English besides the fact that it was easy.

I was in the middle of doodling when I hear a knock on the door. The teacher stops her lecture about sentence variety and walks over to the door. The guidance counselor, Ms. Patrice, peeks her head inside the room.

"Hello, may I borrow Julie Rivers for a moment?" she says. The class begins to murmur and whisper.

"Quiet, please," the teacher says, trying her best to silence the class. They won't. They are too busy whispering about me.

How come when I'm trying my best to stay away from attention it actually does the opposite and instead attracts the attention? 

I get up from my seat and exit the classroom.

"Am I in trouble?" I ask Ms. Patrice the moment I step outside.

She closes the door and shakes her head. "Not at all," she says, stepping in front of me. "Follow me." She starts walking and I trail behind her.

We walk all the way to her office. The whole way there, I was thinking of reasons why I was going there. I never had recent fights with anyone, so something else must be up.

"Please have a seat," she tells me. I nod and sit on the chair facing her desk. She closes the door before taking a seat on her office chair.

"You're probably wondering why you're here," she says, clasping her hands together.

"Very much," I say.

"Listen, Julie. Whatever I tell you, just hear me out. It's going to be hard to think about, but please give it some thought," she tells me seriously, looking into my eyes.

"What are you talking about?" I ask her confusedly.

She takes a deep breath before saying, "The creator of the reality show, Eric, wants you to audition."

At first I stare at her blankly then I end up laughing. "Are you serious? Eric wants me to audition for an LA reality show? I have about the same energy level as a snail," I say sarcastically.

She nods her head. "I'm serious, Julie. He talked to me and principal Morgan about this just an hour ago. He thinks you're perfect for the role because you have a different personality," she says in a serious and firm tone, showing no signs that it is a joke.

"I can't. I-"

"You're parents would want you to do it," she cuts me off.

I roll my eyes internally. "I'm not like them," I tell her. "I don't like the same things or do things the same way as them."

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