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; Word - normal text

; 'Word' - God of Death

; "Word" - Mind of the characters

; Name* - TBOAH characters


In the corner of the room, a half blood whale, a dragon, two kittens and the eldest of the Stan family were seated.
A nameless dragon
On* and Hong*
Taylor Stan*
(Just to clarify, in TBOAH, Raon didn't have a name, so I will just call him 'nameless dragon' for now. I am writing this, just so that nobody will ask about it)

The dead people and a dragon sat in the corner, so that nobody can see them. The dragon, however, turned himself invisible, so no one saw him from the start.


- "Hm... Did I forget about something?"          -a certain God thought while looking at the small humans in the room.

- "Hm...... Oh! I forgot about to Trash Of the Count's family world!"
(No, i did not forget to add them, I just didn't lol)

While a few people were talking, some were looking at the others, and many people had appeared in the other side of the cinema.
(I think I forgot to say, they're on one, right side, and TOTCF will be on the left)

- What the-
- Where are we?!      -some had screamed, however most of them stayed silent and were observing their surroundings.

- 'Hello, everyone!'       -said the white haired man to the newcomers.

- You stupid bastard! Where are we, and where is young master-nim!
-the ex-priestess, Cage had screamed.
The others, however, looked at the other side of the room is disbelief.
The TBOAH side was the same, and looked at their other selfs with scared gazes (cause they thought they were aliens or so- nevermind...i was not here..)

- 'Nothing had happened to him, my child. He's the one who let me take you all'    -said the God with a happy tone.
However, after the man said that, the right side began whispering to each other;
- Huh? What does God-nim mean by that?
- I heard that there is somebody missing in their side...

- 'Anyway! Meet each other! On the left side, there is a world called 'The Trash Of the Count's family', on the right side, there is a world called 'The Birth Of a Hero. Their world is destined to be destroyed in the war with the White Star, so I decided that they should watch your commander's story!'        -the right side began to cheer for the God, however, the other side was enraged.
(Let's say that TBOAH didn't heard those three words, because it's too soon)
- 'Wait...our destined to be destroyed in the war..what?!'.   -thought the hero, Choi Han*.
His thinking was interrupted by a sudden scream:
- There is no way, that they will watch Cale-nim's life! Nu uh! He's the one that gathered the informations about everything, we're not just going to share with it.     -said the enraged Choi Han.

Some nobles from the right side began to scream:
- You really are going to let our world be destroyed just for some trash?!
- Yeah! He can sacrifice his privacy! It's our world we are talking about!
(They suddenly forgot about the words that he is the one who gathered the informations)

In the left side, everyone was enraged about those words, however, one particular being was horribly mad.

-screamed the invisible dragon.
The nameless being in the right side was shocked to hear his own voice, especially talking about some lowly human like that.

- W-who was that?!
- I-is that some kind of spirit?!
- Mom, I'm scared! (So be scared, so one gives a shit)

- 'Ekhem, everyone, sit down.'

- We will not sit down, we want young master Cale here, now.

- *shivers* 'Aigoo...I'll sent him here after some time, believe me.'
-the left side of the room sent the God glares, but choose to sit down, so they can get their young master sooner.

(I thought about making some kind of Cale harem, should I do it?)

-the nobles and commoners sent scared glares towards the other side, while the kings, queens, emperors, crown princes and other high nobles just glares at them in curiosity.

- 'I feel, a dragon aura, however, why would a dragon say something like about a human? Aigoo.. i lived too long..' (I feel u bro) -thought the golden dragon, Eruhaben*
Certain people however still were scared about the secret voice. (Scooby doo music in the background, because I said so)

- ", we have two worlds in, K̶i̶m̶ R̶o̶k̶ S̶o̶o̶ i̶s̶ a̶l̶r̶e̶a̶d̶y̶ i̶n̶ t̶h̶e̶ T̶O̶T̶C̶F̶ s̶i̶d̶e̶ s̶i̶t̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ i̶n̶ t̶h̶e̶ c̶o̶r̶n̶e̶r̶ , do I have to do something else? Hmmmm......

Kim Rok Soo was just sitting in his house with his niece, while everything stopped moving.

- H-huh? What is-

- 'Hello, Kim Rok Soo, previously known as Cale Henituse!'.    -said the white haired man.

- H-huh?! You are-

- 'The one and only the God of Death!'

- What do you want?

- 'Ah, yes. The reason why I came here is because you're going to react!'

The black haired man looked at the other in disbelief.
- What are you talking about? Did you took something? (I took your mom, oh, sorry ig)

- *cough* 'You're going to react with other people to the world where Cale Henituse, previously known as Kim Rok Soo, is right now.'

- Huh? React? Why would I do that? Plus, i don't want to-

- 'You're going to react not only with some unknown poeple, but with the Henituse family, too. Wouldn't you want to, meet them?'    -asked the God.

- I...
- Okay, nevermind. I agree, however-

- 'Don't worry about your mom, she will be safe, the time will be stopped for the time of the reaction.'

- Aigoo...okay.

The view of Kim Rok Soo had become cloudy, black, and then he d̶i̶e̶d̶  fainted.


When he woke up, the man found himself in a big room, cinema, with many other people, in the dark corner of the said room.
He had heard many screams and conversations, however, his gaze fell on a few of the many people.
The Henituse family, the richest family in the Roan Kingdom, his old family, the one...that died. ( I ate their dead bodies, sorry ig)
His eyes were watering itself, but the room finally met silence, after all the screams and conversations the other  poeple had.
In the othee side of where he was, he saq his past self, his red hair shine in the room full of lamps, even while he was drinking from the bottle of expensive alcohol, he looked holy, like if he was some kind of God.
His thinking was suddenly interrupted by the God's voice:


- 'So, let's begin'.


Okay, so I hope you all liked this chapter, there will be an actual reaction in the next chapter.
Ive decided to make the novel reaction first, however,
Which chapter should I choose?

The start,       1-2 ------------

Raon Miru's release        18-20----------

TBOAH + TOTCF reacts to TOTCFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora