Rory sauntered in the same direction she used to get to the school. When she got there, she noticed a large group of students gathered at the front with banners and cardboard signs and megaphones. They were all shouting.

She saw Terence on top of the stairs with a large sign that read "Grandell is for Astell, Sector B is a trash heap". Her hands began to shake as she got closer.

"I've come to discover recently that Grandell, the top University in all of Astell has enrolled those trash bracket students," Terence shouted.

"No way!" One student snickered.

"Is he telling the truth?" Another gasped.

"Oh, it's true! I have reliable sources that explain our enrolling system in detail! Quite a few Bracketers are attending! Some of them may be one of you! But you're not saying anything! Cowards!" Terence shouted through his megaphone. "Why should we Astellians attend a prestigious university with Bracketer lowlifes? They don't even realize how hard we study to get into this school!"

"Yeah! He's right!"

"And not only that, they're giving FULLY PAID scholarships to those who can't afford it!"

"That's crazy."

"It's disgusting! Some of our parents struggle to pay our fees! Our parents were born in Astell! And the Astellians have to compete with Bracketers to get a good education! Are Astellians less valuable than residents from the Brackets? Heck no!" Terence hollered. "Why should we have to compete to attend, and pay when the Bracketers, who weren't even born here get a free pass? Astellians should always come first!"

"Yeah!" The body of students roared.

Rory's hands went stiff and her lips began to quiver as she pushed her way through the crowd. "Why does it matter to you?" She huffed.

"Excuse me?" Terence hissed.

"Why does it matter? That Bracketers are attending this school? Don't you have more important things to do than standing out here screaming for something you can't change?"

"My fellow students, you heard the bracket trash herself say that our opinions and views don't matter. Sector B fools think we're not important!"

"I never said—"

"Do you think you're better than us, Bracketer?" Terence hopped off the stair he was elevated on, and the students parted as he walked over to Rory. When he got directly in front of her, he nudged her forehead back roughly. "You think you're all that because you got into this school for free, don't you?"

Rory chose her next words carefully. "I don't think you aren't important. But there's a reason why Grandell offers scholarships. We have to compete to attend too!"

"You're stupid. You have no right to compete. Your education system on the other side is flawed. This has been proven by statistics!"

"Sector B doesn't have the same resources you do! You all were given everything at birth! If our education system is flawed, that's not my fault. I try my best. All Bracketers are trying their best!"

"You're trying your best to take our jobs? Replace Astellian students?"

"We do what we have to to survive!"

"Then survive where all the trash piles are. You being here defiles our city and our values!" Terence shoved Rory back. She felt herself being flung into someone. Someone with a firm front.

They wrapped their arms around her and steadied her before she could fall. When she was back on her feet, the person who caught her walked forward. It was Asher, the same guy from the other day.

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