Mr. Fool, the mysterious ruler (not always) above the gray fog (2)

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[After dodging Zaratul's fatal blow, Klein ran into the fog of history and fled towards the former metropolis from a time before the First Epoch.]

Fors looked at the destroyed city that seemed out of this world with curiosity.

Cattleya, Emlyn and Derrick looked at the unknown man and presumed that it was The Fool.

(Let's say that Klein looked like Merlin, okay ?)

[Soon, Klein ran into the old metropolis situated inside the fog of history.

To him, this was a safe room that could be trusted. This was because only a Scholar of Yore who was a human from before history could enter.

Without any hesitation, Klein habitually surveyed the area and began praying to the Evernight Goddess in the stacked city.

Oof !

A faint sound rang out as an ancient wooden stake with traces of blood penetrated Klein's heart from behind.

A figure phased into existence behind him. It was a cold-looking man wearing a half top hat and a black trench coat :

Gehrman Sparrow.

Klein's pupils dilated as the crazy adventurer said in a deep voice :

« Adam has given me humanity. »]

The Tarot Club members were horrified.

Leonard : Klein has killed himself ! (What the hell am I watching ?!)

Cattleya, Emlyn and Derrick : The World has betrayed The Fool ! (*famous backstabbing event.jpg*)

Xio and Fors : The World and The Fool are the same person so Gehrman has killed himself ? Huh ?

Xio, Fors and Leonard understood that Gehrman was probably a secret puppet and Adam gave him life with Beyonder abilities.

[Klein turned around and looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar figure.

The carved and cold face was reflected in Klein's eyes as he felt a force pushing him away.

He immediately fell backward, falling from the layers of ruins of the old metropolis out from the fog of history.

During this process, he wanted to control himself, but there was nothing he could do. This was because the wooden stake at his heart had sealed all his Beyonder powers.

With a thought, Klein looked at Gehrman Sparrow and snapped his fingers.

Pa !

The Worms of Spirit in Sefirah Castle received his will and gave up the marionette's Spirit Body Threads. They also picked up the Staff of the Stars and prepared to give Klein a fatal blow so as to commit suicide.

After his main body completely died, Klein would be able to revive above the gray fog and escape from his predicament.

At this moment, a stone square floating in the void appeared beneath Klein's feet.
Black stone pillars rose up and propped up a grand and holy cathedral, enveloping Klein inside.

The corpse cathedral—Adam's corpse cathedral—the divine kingdom of a Visionary !

Boom !

Countless bolts of silver lightning smote down from Sefirah Castle, penetrating the fog of history and struck the cathedral, but failed to shake it at all.

At the same time, in the ancient palace, the figure sitting in The Fool's seat suddenly collapsed to the side, forming a vortex formed from transparent maggots.]

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