Mr. Fool's allies (1)

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Above the gray fog, the members of the Tarot Club were helped by the gods to enter The Fool's dream.

Audrey traveled to the deepest part of The Fool's mind and looked around her.

She seemed to be in a maze.

Around her were a lot a colorful spheres. Her intuition told her that it could be the Fool's memories.

Suddenly, she felt that she was attracted by something and began to walk in that direction. Soon, she came across a man with dark blue hair like seaweed and a young man with dark brown eyes, short black hair and unremarkable facial features. They seemed to have just arrived.

She recognized the first one as Mr. Hanged Man. The two maintained their composure but the unknown man stealthily looked at their surroundings, surprised.

Audrey lifted her skirt and bowed.

« Hello, I am Miss Justice. »

Alger nodded and introduced himself as well, then they both turned to the young man next to them.

He understood and greeted them as well :

« Hello, my name is Zhou Mingrui. I just woke up and found myself here, do you know where we are ? »

Zhou Mingrui only remembered having done a transshipment ceremony before going to sleep. Nothing happened at the time but maybe he was here because of it ?

As you may have guessed already, our sleeping Fool temporarily lost his memory.

Audrey and Alger were surprised. They didn't know how a stranger could have entered the Fool's dream. Many guesses crossed their minds but Audrey eventually broke the silence.

« We came here to wake up the honorable Mr. Fool. »

She turned to Alger.

« Maybe saying what we know about Mr. Fool could help us to find Him in this maze ? The gods told us that knowing more about Him would make Him wake up faster. »

Zhou Mingrui, who didn't understand what they talking about, could just politely smile. Gods ? Were these people a cult ?

But Audrey believed that, since Zhou Mingrui was here, he should be related to The Fool.

Alger agreed and Audrey continued :

« Then, why don't we begin by the mirror we saw before we came here ? It was behind that door of light, next to Mr. Fool... Did you know it ? »

She stopped herself from recalling the sleeping Mr. Fool enveloped by fog.

Alger thought and said :

« It should be Arrodes, a grade 1 sealed artifact. It was originally grade 2 but it suddenly began to have problems... »

Problems ? What kind of problems ? No, focus, Audrey ! She recalled something :

« From what church did it come from ? »

Alger answered :

« It came from the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery but it was transferred to the Church of the Evernight Goddess afterwards and disappeared. »

Zhou Mingrui just continued to smile. Who am I ? Where am I ? What am I doing here ? No, the God of Steam and Machinery ? The Evernight Goddess ? Are they talking about a video game ?

Audrey raised a guess.

« Weren't the Fool and the Evernight Goddess allies ? Maybe She gave it to Him... »

As they talked, many spheres lit up one by one.

Alger nodded.

« Maybe we can talk about Mr. Fool's allies ? The orthodox gods seemed to have agreed to Him becoming an orthodox god. »

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