Ophelia drops Austin's hand and steps back along with a wide-eyed Xolani and a shocked Tracy. Austin and Oliver look like two bulls that are about to go head-to-head and leave a trail of destruction in their wake. Ophelia has no idea what to do and it seems like she is not the only one. Then the elevator doors open again and a tall, slim immaculately dressed redhead steps out and looks at the two men with a bored face. "I told you both when we were teenagers that brothers should not go into business together. If I see one fist fly there will be fucking hell to pay and I will be the one collecting your fucking debt," she says in the coolest and calm way. Ophelia is left in awe. The men let go of each other immediately. Oliver walks over to the redhead, complaining that Austin never listens to him. While Austin searches out Ophelia and goes over to see if she is ok. The redhead watches Austin with a perfectly shaped raised eyebrow and a hint of a smile on her lips. "I am sorry you saw that. I forgot to mention that Oliver is also my brother. We get testy. Did I hurt you in any way?" he asks looking at her up and down. Ophelia shakes her head but clutches Austin's hand as the redhead starts walking over to them. "Hello miss Monroe. My name is Rod and I hope these boys have not made your life too unbearable these last 24 hours. They are like bulls in a china shop. Especially this one," she says pointing to Austin, "although I must say that this would be the first time I have seen Austin more concerned about someone else other than himself. I always knew there was something special about you. I am a big fan by the way," Rod adds. Ophelia smiles at her. "Hi," she says softly.

"How about we take this shit show to one of your board rooms?" Rod says as she turns around and walks toward a large boardroom. Tracy, Xolani, and Oliver run behind her. Austin turns to look at Ophelia. "You ok? We could dump this idea and do something else if you want," he says. Ophelia shakes her head. "No. I feel like I may just have a voice in this meeting," she says with a smile. Austin winks at her and then leads her down to the board room.  "We take it that you both want to do this whole PR stunt thing?" Xolani asks Austin and Ophelia. They both nod. "Ok well, we will draw up the contract. Any specifics you want me to add to the contract?" Tracy asks. "Ophelia has some rules. Go ahead, baby, the floor is your's," Austin says as he slouches in his chair like he is on holiday with a grin. "Umm, o-ok. I have some rules," she starts then stops, a little unsure of herself. "Go on, Ophelia," Rod prompts with a smile. "Umm...rule number one - no ass play," she says. Tracy, Xolani, and Rod's mouths drop open in shock at her words while Oliver and Austin howl with laughter, Austin almost falls off his chair too. "That rule was just for us, baby, but I appreciate that you insist my voice is heard...go on Trudy, write that down. Next rule," Austin says.

"Umm, rule number two. No one outside this room is to know that this is a PR Relationship. Just us six, oh and Joe," Ophelia says and then looks at Austin. He smiles and nods at her then gestures with his hand for her to continue. "I want...I want to feel like I am in a real relationship. I want to be treated with respect. I also want affection. Lots of affection, I also want to give affection and not be pushed away," she stops again and looks at Austin. He smiles and gives her a thumbs-up. "You are doing great. I agree. Continue," Austin says. "I want to be treated like a lady and be taken on dates and I want flowers. No matter where I am, I want flowers from you," she stops again and looks at Austin, again. "I have to buy them or can I assign Rod to order them?" he asks, grinning. "You do whatever you feel is appropriate...it's the thought that counts," Ophelia says. "I have been married long enough to know that's a trick answer, Austin," Oliver says. "Shut up, Oliver. Continue, baby," Austin says. "You can live with me-" Ophelia starts but Austin cuts her off, "I already live with you," he says with a crooked grin. Rod sighs and rolls her eyes, but she is trying to hide a grin. "I will support you with your court stuff and all that. Really support you...not just in the public eye, but even at home. I know this is a PR relationship but I want to be your friend more than just a business associate," Ophelia says.

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