Chaphter 3 over time and delivery

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Astra POV
Over time my station grew with the arrival of all the soldiers that will be under my command. The first to arrive were the Imperial guard. I use them as infantry and fortress defenders. I made sure all their equipment was well taken care of and in good working order.

Seven weeks later Ultra Space Marines came and told me that their chapter master ordered them to be here under my command. I gave them the task of being shock troopers that will land in their drop pods and hit the enemy hard.

A week after the Ultra Marines arrived I received the most dangerous group of the imperial guard regiments. The Death Korps of Krieg came. Millions of soldiers came to my station. All who swore loyalty to me in the emperor's name. I welcomed them and stationed them as Calvary and infantry soldiers. As well as artillery.

Then a month later the Adeptus Mechanicus sent legions of their own soldiers, and war machines to aid me in any attack that I will fight in. With all these soldiers under my command I ordered to remain in orbit while I form a plan to reveal my new people.

Emperors POV
I was in my throne room thinking of new advancements to my space marines and future expansion. Then one of my Primarchs came into the room.

Primarch: my lord I bring news from the Adeptus Mechanicus

Me: what is it

Primarch: they have made a young girl a high tech-priest of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and she has designed new things and upgrades for all of our soldiers

Me: really is she with them now

Primarch: no sir she remains on her station and with the troops that were sent to her she welcomed them in your name and swore never to waste their lives needlessly

Me: she speaks with a good heart, how long will it take for us to reach her world

Primarch: about 2 months by warp your majesty

Me: then let's head for her location as soon as we can

Primarch: yes emperor

Astra POV
Location space station
I was in my workshop working on the titan and it was halfway done.

Astra head: thanks to the time-dilation field I created I was able to finish a lot of work.


Me: come in

The door opened and two Krieg men walked in. They stopped when they were few feet in the door.

Left: you asked for two pilots ma'am

I got down to the grown and walked up to them.

Me: yes I did

Right: what do you need for us ma'am

I stopped when I was five feet away from them.

Me: I need you to deliver that box over there to

I gestured to the box in the corner.

I gestured to the box in the corner

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