"Answer me!" He yelled as he continued to struggle to get free, "I know you're in here, so fucking answer!"

"Will you shut the fuck up already?" Arrow asked making the male turn his head in his direction only being a few inches off. "You're voice is giving me a bloody headache."

The Vipers' spy sneered as best he could with a fucked up face from the beating and struggled again to get free.

"Struggle all you want but you be getting it of those unless it's in body bag." I said and he froze upon hearing my voice.  "I want you to tell me everything you know about what the Vipers are planning."


"How many are they?" I asked sitting across from Marcus as he panted, tears and blood rolling down his face. "I'm not going to fucking repeat myself,"

"15," he replied as he struggled to free himself y the restraints keeping in pinned to the concrete floor and table. "There are 15 men surrounding the compound. I was told that I was to report to them as soon as I saw you leave, which would give Alfonso the time he needed to get in and take your husband."

I nodded at Cam and Arrow when they gave me a look. They exited the cellars leaving Marcus and I alone, "what does he want with him?"

"I think you know very well what that bastard wants with him," he spat, "he wants to breed him,"

"He's not a fucking dog," I snarled and he scoffed as he looked up  at me with swollen eyes.

"He doesn't give two shits what your husband is," replied, "he only cares about power and control and growing his gang and having an heir to take over for him when he hits the sack."

Alfonso really does have a fucking death wish.

"What does he have over you that made you join the Vipers?" I asked and he clenched his jaw looking down at the table his hands balled into fists.

"He threatened to kill my wife and kids," he replied after silence fell over us for a few moments and I stared at him. He shook his head and laughed before looking back up at me, "he has my criminal record  from when I was 10. Said that I would make a good sniper and spy."

"Yet you left the gang when you met and married your wife and had two kids." I stated and he nodded.

"I gave up that part of my life when I met her when we were both 18. I had promised her that I will leave the Vipers if she would be with me."

"And yet you're doing their dirty little work by leaving a note on my front gates." I deadpanned and he swallowed.

"I had no other choice if I wanted to same my family," he said as tears spilled form his eyes again as he clenched his jaw in anger, "he kidnapped them while I was at work three weeks ago. He has them hidden out of state and threatens to kill them if I didn't leave the note behind."

I looked away from him and pulled my phone from my pocket when it began buzzing with an incoming call

"Did you find them? And how many?" I asked Cam.

"15, they're about two miles south of the northern gates of the compound." He replied and I looked at Marcus, the bastard was telling the truth, "I already sent Jonah and his crew to take them down."

"Capture them and bring them here. I want to have a little fun before I get rid of them." I said and he replied with Yes Sir before hanging up. "How many more are there." He looked up and shook his head, and I slammed my hands on the surface of the table making him jump at the sudden noise, "how many more are there."

"I only know of the 15 I told you about," he replied. I knew Alfonso wasn't stupid to only send 15 of his gang members to scout for a way into my territory. "He may have me under his control by threatening my family, but that doesn't mean he tells me all of his secrets. I only know of this because his plan had been to buy him from Patrick when he escaped and came here to the US."

"You were still part of his gang back then," I stated and he nodded.

"Your husband was promised to Alfonso since he was 9." Marcus said in disgust, "your husband didn't deserve what happened to him."

"You're going to help me kill Alfonso," I said and though his eyes were swollen from the beating, they widened before he began shaking his head. "You said he has your family hostage." He whimpered and nodded, "help me kill him and I will rescue your family and help you disappear under a new name that no one will find you and threaten you and your family again."

"Why?" He asked and I pulled the chair and sat down again, "why would you do that for me when all I did was threaten yours?"

"Because that's what you want. Kill him for threatening your family." I saw his mind working before he stared at me and nodded.

"Don't make me regret this." He said and I nodded.

"You won't, I always keep my promises."

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now