Bullet in the Heart [Part 2]

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As you and Irene both walked in, the professor still wasn't in class, so you went over to talk to Irene and some of her friends.

Soon the professor enters the room, and just as you're about to sit down, you think how about you sit next to the boy, Matteo, you walk over to him and he directly looks at you with his sparkling blue eyes that weren't quite noticeable since he was always looking down.

You slightly smile as you put your books on the desk and sit on the chair next to him.

The Professor begins and you're taking notes. As soon as you finish you get bored of listening to him. An idea pops up in you're mind, you want to pass notes to Matteo maybe he will end up talking to you.

You stick with that idea and rip a piece of paper from your notebook. You write "Hey :) " with a little smiley face and fold it and when the professor turns away you give the note to him. Thankfully you two were sitting in the last row so it would be hard for you guys to get caught.

You see Matteo Handing Over the note back to you. You open it and see "what do you want?"

"Nothing, why?" You give the paper back to him. You can see he face-palms himself and lets out a small sigh before he gives the note back to you.

"What does it look like that I'm doing?" You read to yourself "IDK. I'm more" you wrote and throw it towards him the piece of paper lands in his pencil case.

He reads it and gives you a confusing look, you take the note back from him and this time it says "and what do you want me to do about that", you take your chance and write back "let's get to know each other" you pass the note back.

As expected he responds with a basic "no." You don't give up and write a few things about yourself and give them to him. "So let's start like this, hi I'm Y/N, and I'm now just as you know I like to (you're hobbies) :)".

He looks annoyed "can you shut up?" He gives you back ur note. "No sorry I cannot sorry. now it's your turn." You write into the piece of paper before giving it to him again.

"Leave me alone " you look at him with a bit of sadness and frustration. He seems like a nice guy but you're not quite sure... there must be a reason that he is this shy or quiet all the time.

Soon class ends and you just finish your notes, "alright everyone this was it for today don't forget you're homework and have a good evening you can leave now." The professor shouts. Just as you've packed you're stuff and everyone is leaving and the professor is out already, you put your last book in your bag and just as you close the zip and put your bag on your back you feel someone grabbing you're arm.

You turn around and it's Matteo. "What do you want from me?" He asks you.

You make a confused face "nothing " you say.

"Then why do you try to talk to me? Can't you just leave me in peace", " and I don't care about what you like or what you do stop trying to talk to me." He says

He doesn't say anything else just some confused looks. It broke your heart that he thought of you in that way, you tried to do the opposite.

You then left the classroom and made you're way out of the building. The time you're out you see Irene standing with a group of girls, as soon as she notices you she waves over to you.

"Over here Y/N!" She calls you, you walk over to them. "Hey" you great everyone "we have to go, we'll see you guys tomorrow," Irene says as you guys make you're way home.

Irene: "Soo what's up why did you take so long?"

Y/N "oh it's nothing by?"

Irene: "Nothing just boorinnnnggg math"

Irene: "Are you okay?"

Y/N: "yeah, why are you asking?"

Irene: "idk something seems off about you it's like you're thinking about something if you want to talk I would gladly listen to you."

Y/N: "this Matteo guy, he has something I want to figure out, I feel like he might be a nice person but there is something off about him."

Irene: "I don't know he's always been like this, I mean I've been in the same class with him for a few years now and back then he used to talk to a few people but I think for about 2 years now he usually doesn't speak with anyone. But I don't know why you think about him that much?"

Y/N: "today in class I tried talking to him for a little while he seemed very pissed off about me."

Irene: "is that why you went over to him?"

Y/N: "yea, during class he didn't talk to me at all, but-"

You cut off

Irene: "but what?"

Y/N: "after class, when all of you guys left he asked me why I'm treating him the way I am."

Irene: "did something happen after that?"

Y/N: "No nothing," you say in a quiet tone

Irene: "don't worry too much about him, he shouldn't matter that much at the end of the day, but if there is something you would like to tell me I'm always here."

Irene smiles and puts one arm around you're shoulder and puts her head on yours. You then try to distract yourself while talking to Irene making you're way home. You arrive at you're house and you guys say goodbye"

"I'll see you tomorrow," Irene says.

"Yea, see u" You answer.

"Don't worry too much!" She yells to you.

"I won't don't worry about me" you yell back at her letting out a small laugh.

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