meeting old friends - prt 1

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After meeting professor kukui and mallow, the masters eight has now arrived at aether paradise, and is now staying there.

Also Lusamine is based off the anime so she's not gonna be in her villain arc 🤯

they are now in their rooms

Iris was sitting on her bed while ash was sitting on his bed as well, with pikachu on his lap

Iris: "hey ash, who is Gladion and Lille?"
Ash: "Lille was one of my classmates during my time in Alola, when I went to Pokemon school!
Iris: "school? Never would have thought you would ever go to school..."


Ash: "anyways... Gladion is Lillie's brother! I've battled him many times, he's a strong trainer!"
Iris: "now that I think about it, you have a lot of friends ash!"
Ash: "I have way more than this.."

Iris: "well I'm exhausted, so I'm going to sleep!"
Ash: "okay!"

they turned off the lights and went to sleep, pikachu snuggling right beside ash

Time skip to the next day...


Ash: "ughhh"
Iris: "it's morning already?"
ash: "5 more minutes..."


Burnet: "good morning!"
Ash: "good morning professor..."
Lusamine: "Lille and Gladion should be here soon, for now you can look around!"
Iris: "I wanna see all the dragon types here!"
Diantha: "good morning everyone!"

everyone: "good morning!"

Cynthia: "so... what are we doing today?"
Ash: "well my friends will be arriving soon, so why don't we just train for now?"
Lance: "good idea, it's why we are here after all"

Ash: "okay! Lucario come out!"
Lucario: *growl* (What happened?)
Ash: "I want you to battle with pikachu alright?"
Lucario: *small growl* (okay!)

On the battlefield...

Ash: "alright, pikachu! Quick attack!"
pikachu: "pikachu!" (Alright!)
Ash: "lucario, dodge it!"

Lucario successfully dodged it
Ash: "Lucario aura sphere!"
Lucario: *growl* (yes sir!)
Ash: "pikachu! electro ball!"

Lucario used aura sphere and pikachu used electro ball, the attacks both canceled out once contacted with eachother.

Ash: "lucario, force palm!"
Lucario: *growl* (okay!)
Ash: "pikachu, dodge it!"

Pikachu tried to dodge, but got hit by the attack, making pikachu fly to the end of the battle field.


Lille: "mom I'm here!"

All of a sudden, everybody's attention was towards a young girl with green eyes and platinum blond hair, with a vulpix by her side

Lusamine: "Oh Lille dear! We have some visitors!"
Lille: "visitors?"

Lille then just saw the group

Lille: "EHHHH?"
Ash: "uhhh hi?"
Iris: "Hello, my names iris! Ash told me about you, your Lille right?"
Lille: "y-yes!"
Cynthia: "hello Lille, it's great to meet you!"
Lille: "o-oh great to meet you t-too!"

Like everyone else, Lille was obviously nervous since she was in the same room as the regional champions.

Lance: "you sure know a lot of girls.."
Ash: "uhhh"
Ash: "where's Gladion?"
Lille: "he had to stop somewhere on the way here, im sure he will be here soon though.."

Ash: "well, everyone this is lille, she was my classmate in Alola, and also a friend of mine!"
he said while putting his hand on Lille's shoulder, making here blush a bit..

Diantha: "hello Lille! Pleasure to meet you."
Alain: "hello.."
Steven: "hello!"
Lille: "y-yes hi!"

Iris: "okay, maybe wrong moment.. but I'm starving!"
Steven: "why don't we go back to that restaurant?"
Ash: "sure! Lucario, Pikachu!"
Pikachu: "pika-pika!" (Yes?)
Lucario: *growl* (what?)
Ash: "we are gonna go get some food! Lucario return!" Pikachu hopped on ash's head.


Cynthia "let's get going now, right?"
Leon: "yes!"
burnet: "have a safe travel you guys!"
Ash: "bye professor!"

Lille: "wait!"
Ash: "huh?"
Lille: "do you mind if I tag along... with you?"
Ash: "sure! Don't worry about it"
Lille "okay! Thank you!"
Iris: "let's go already!"

At mallows restaurant...

*opening door noises*

Mallow: "Oh ash, hi! And h-hi everyone else!"
Lance: "hello, young one"
mallow: "wait, LILLE?"
Lille: "Oh hi mallow! It's nice to see you again!"
vulpix: "vulpix!" (hi mallow!)
lille and mallow both hugged each other for about a few seconds, but then they broke it

mallow: "Oh, sorry! Go ahead and take a seat!"
Cynthia: "hmm, I'll take a pinap juice, please!"
mallow: "no problem!"


Lille: "I'll be right back! pardon me."
Ash: "alright!"
It was pretty awkward , until iris broke the silence
Iris: "hey ash, you know, you and Lille seem close, are you guys dating?"
Ash: "What? Dating? Why would you say that?"
He was a little red, but no one noticed..
Iris: "she keeps blushing around you like crazy!"
Ash: "Well maybe she has a fever or something?" he took a sip of the pinap juice
Cynthia: "young love, yikes.."
Ash: ?

Mallow: "order up!"

After eating almost the whole menu

Ash: "that was good! Right buddy?"
Pikachu: "pika-pikachu!" (Yup! super!)
Iris: "I love this restaurant.."
Lance: "well we ought to get going now, your other friend might be there already!"
Ash: "oh yeah!"
Mallow: "wait! do you guys mind if I go along?"
ash: "not at all!"
mallow! "Alright! Dad, sorry! I'll be going, call me if you need help!"

*closing door noises*

Alain: "hey ash"
Ash: "yeah?"
Alain: "this "Gladion" is he strong?"
Ash: "yup! really strong!"
Alain: "do you think I could battle him?"
Ash: "probably..!"


Back at aether paradise

Burnet: "Oh ash! Welcome back!"
Ash: "hi professor!"
Burnet: "oh! mallow, hello!"
mallow: "hi!"
Cynthia: "well, what are we doing now?"
Leon: "I'd said just wait until ash's friend gets here!"
Iris: "alright, but I'm gonna go see all the dragon type pokemon here!"
Ash: "I'll come!"

I'll end this part here! Of course their will be a part 2 of this part, so stay tuned! But for now... byeeee! (As the journey continues)

word count: 951

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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