Pelle Meets the Family

Start from the beginning

You finally arrived at the airport and parked the car.  You turned your body towards Pelle and smiled.  He looked at you and smiled as you slid yourself across the bench seat, as you put your arms around him and kissed him.  You were both lip locked, he lifted you, put you on his lap and wrapped you up in his arms, continuously kissing you with a burning passion.  He ended the kiss with a few soft pecks on your lips.  He put his forehead against yours, looked into your eyes and said,
"Come on...Let's go get your family."
You were pretty sure that the kiss the two of you shared was an indication on just how much you loved him and it also reaffirmed to him that you weren't going anywhere. You thought to yourself,  I guess actions DO speak louder than words. 
The two of you got out of the car and started walking towards the entrance of the airport. Pelle had his arm around your shoulder and you had your arm around his waist. You waived your hand in front of the automatic door and it opened. He looked at you and said,
"OK Jedi."
You giggled at the fact that he knew what you were doing. You entered the airport and immediately went over to the arrival monitors.
"Where are they coming in from?" Pelle asked.
"O'Hare International.  ORD, that was their connecting flight."
"Gate 10" He said.
The two of you hurried to the gate and sat in the chairs and waited for the plane to land. He started to display some signs of anxiety again.  You put your hands on top of his and pat them.
"They are going to love you babe, please don't worry yourself over nothing." 
"I'm sure I'll feel much better when this meeting is over."
"You will, I promise."
You were sitting in front of the big window and you saw a plane pull up to the jet bridge, you stood up as did Pelle.  The airline agent opened the door and you were watching the people getting off the plane, anxiously awaiting the familiar faces of your mom and sister to appear.  As you were both standing there carefully looking at each person came off of the plane, you heard a scream and saw your sisters as they ran over to you.  You all stood there hugging each other in utter excitement and jumping up and down in a circle.  Pelle just stood there watching and smiling.  Then your mother appeared.  You stopped celebrating with your sisters and took a few steps towards your mother and hugged her and kissed her on the cheek.
"Hi Mom."
"Hi honey,"
"How was your flight?"
"Long.  People are so rude around the holidays."
Your mother glanced over at Pelle and asked,
"Who's this handsome young man?"
"Mom, this is my boyfriend Pelle."
She gave him a hug and said,
"Hello Pelle.  It's nice to finally meet you.  Michelle has spoke of only you for the past year now."
He smiled at her and said,
"I hope it was all good."
"It has been, she says that you are a complete angel.  You definitely look like one."
He blushed and your sisters stood next to you and both of them walked over to Pelle and introduced themselves. They hugged him tight.
"It's nice to finally meet you Pelle." Your sister Christina said.
"My sister said that you were good looking but she lied.  You are beautiful." Your youngest sister exclaimed.
Pelle stood there blushing and you said,
"How about we go over to baggage claim to get your luggage and go out for lunch?"  You said as you walked over to Pelle and put your arm around his waist,
"That sounds good to me."  Your mother said.
Your sisters nodded their heads to agree and you all started to walk over to baggage claim.  Once you were there, they started looking for their bags.  Your sisters got theirs off of the carousel and then your mother went to grab her luggage and Pelle intervened by saying,
"I've got that for you."  He grabbed her bag and asked if she had any other suitcases.
"No I don't.  What a sweetie.  Thank you."
You all started to walk out of the terminal and headed to the car. Your family walked a few steps ahead of you and Pelle.  You looked at him and said,
"See, they totally love you." 
He smiled and said,
"I guess I really DID worry for nothing,"
You put your arm around his waist as he was pulling your mother's suitcase behind him.  Once you got to your car, you opened the back of the jeep and Pelle put your mother's suitcase in the back and then continued to do the same for your sisters.  He shut the hatch and you all got in to head to some restaurant for lunch.

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