Forgive & Forget. July, 1993

Start from the beginning

Busy placing dirty cutlery and dishes into the sink, Remus paused for a moment as the sun beams from outside shone in through the large window, causing sudden concern. He'd never thought too deeply about the view, but couldn't help but notice the busy street a mere thirty-feet away. Any passerby could peer into the window and see the exact scenes playing out in the room, or worse, any passer by could peer into the window a catch sight of the convicted criminal sat at the old wooden table trying to enjoy his morning coffee. He tugged at the drawstring of the blinds, blocking out the view of the outside world.

"Just to be safe..." he reassured Liv and Sirius 

The reassurance didn't work. The sudden realization that Sirius wasn't supposed to be there, didn't belong there, hit harder than that first sip of strong coffee. He felt body shift, unknowingly lowering himself in his seat.

"Has the owl come yet?" Liv said, busily sorting through the pile of envelopes she'd left in the kitchen the night before. "I want to send these letters out,"

Remus looked at his watch. "Not yet," he said, moving his gaze to the letters Liv was rummaging through. "Who's that you're writing too?" he asked.

"Just friends," Liv said, gripping the letters tightly, hoping her Father weren't to pounce of them and do that disapproving sigh he sometimes did once he'd glanced a look at at the name scribbled on the front of one of the papers ( which was "Cedric Diggory" of course, how could she not respond to his ask quickly as she possibly could?)

"Which friends?" He pestered on. Facing award from her father, Liv safely rolled her eyes without any consequence's

"Why do you ask?" Said asked back.

Remus shrugged. "Just wondering,"

"Im not stupid, Daddy, you want to know if I'm writing to Cedric," she said with a sigh. "I just wanted to thank him for the letter he sent me, that's all. You can read it if you're that desperate to see,"

"I don't want to read it," Remus said, denying the letter. "I believe you," he sat down at the table beside Sirius, who hadn't yet touched any food. "I'm going to the ministry this afternoon," Remus said joyfully, trying to lighten the mood - Sirius had nodded.

Liv scooped a large forkful of pancake into her mouth. "You should probably find a job, too," she said as she chewed. "Unless you can deal without electricity and hot water this summer,"

"A job?" Sirius questioned, his voice sounding hoarse. "You're not staying at Hogwarts?"

Remus shook his head. "I'm afraid I had to call it quits," he said. "It was my time to leave,"

Liv grimaced, quickly swallowing another large mouthful of pancakes. "No it wasn't," she argued. "You were doing so well until Snape opened his big fat gob,"

"Snape?" Sirius repeated, his eyebrows creasing. "He said something to make you quit?" He asked Remus, though it was Liv who'd butted in and responded.

"He told everyone he was a werewolf!"

"Bastard!" Sirius croaked. "I bet he enjoyed your company thoroughly," he sneered sarcastically.

Remus laughed lightly. "I think he was rather surprised to see I survived the war,"

Although there were smiles present all round the table, what Remus had said seemed to have caused a shift, Liv realized that their smiles were maybe more sad smiles than happy ones. Sirius finally spoke, his voice sounding softer than before.

"What was it like?" He asked. "Going back there?"

Remus knew returning to Hogwarts would hurt, storing up old meme memories he'd tried so hard to forget about - perhaps he would lie so Sirius could hear the answer Remus knew he was hoping for. "It was nice," he nodded.

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