Rest of Plot

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A/N: This is my plan for the rest of the plot for Numbers on Our Arms. This was written for me to read, so some chapters may have very described scenes and others one sentences (and there may be grammar mistakes). The plot could also be subject to change from the plan, such as at the end of arc 2 (chapter 36) where Remi and Blyke were initially meant to get arrested. 

This is from chapter 39 onwards and chapter 64 (the last chapter) was the planned end. 

Chapter 39:

Isen goes in and out of the Safehouse and ends up talking to Terrence when the place is being cleaned. He is suspicious but ends up talking a bit hoping he knows something about Blyke and Remi but he doesn't let anything slip.

Blyke and Remi are woken up in the Spectre building and Kuyo gives them breakfast. He explains that this organisation has started to support some vigilantes recently to help prevent deaths. They once had the plan to start the hierarchy to crumble but that message got lost at one point. Currently, they are sending out vigilantes to get boosters and also to do the Authorities job for them.

Chapter 40:

After a few days goes by and there is no sign of Blyke and Remi anywhere, Isen heads up to the Headmaster's office and asks about them. He replies that they were supposed to return but they are still wanted for vigilantism so that's likely why they haven't returned.

Seraphina's birthday roles around on that Monday and Leilah tells her that she took the day off to spend it with her. They go around the town and shops and they go to lunch at a restaurant and she has a cake come in the evening.

Chapter 41:

Seraphina goes back to school and she is called into the Headmaster's office. He tells her as Blyke and Remi haven't returned she is now the Queen and John is the King and they need to find a Jack. They go to find where Isen is at the newspaper club and ask him to be Jack. He tells them to find someone else but they reply that he is now the third strongest in the school. He agrees.

Elaine meets up with Isen and tells him that she has Arlo's contact info and that he would like to talk to him.

Chapter 42:

Arlo and Isen meet up and talk. He explains some of what may be going on with Blyke and Remi and that they haven't been targeted yet by Ember.

Blyke and Remi do some training with Kuyo.

Chapter 43:

Seraphina works at the job and comes across Kayden. She asks him what the chemistry major and apprenticeship are like.

Remi wakes up on her birthday in tears. Blyke comforts her about it.

Chapter 44:

Seraphina shoulders bumps into Terrence whilst walking with John to class. He slips her a note that she finds when she gets back to her dorm later that day. He asks her to talk at a set point on time in the next few days.

Seraphina does the heist in Rowden.

Chapter 45:

Terrence goes to the vigilante training area. Remi and Blyke see him and they go talk in another area. He explains to him what he is.

Seraphina goes up to John and asks him what he wants to do next. He says that he will keep the King position for Blyke when they return and she says if they return. What about degree and he says he might go into something about auras.

Chapter 46:

Seraphina meets up with Terrence. He is very angry and some explanation of his backstory. She lets slip about her past and he is taken aback. He is then upset with John but she mentions he is a late bloomer and he realises he needs to do his job more thoroughly. He mentions that he may have had contact with Remi and Blyke.

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