Chapter 30

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Valerie flicked through the files in front of her on her desk as her eyebrows knitted ever closer together. More disappearances and a slight increase in vigilantes since that 'Nobody' and the sword vigilante teamed up that one time. Except now, they worked in teams, like that would ever stop Volcan.

They had been doing pretty well so far. Apparently, teams provided a better escape plan.

And also, not even the media has given the sword vigilante a name?

There was a knock of her door and she invited them in and looked up to see Kassandra with her hair pulled up in a ponytail. "How was the investigation been going so far?"

"Fairly well. We have enough evidence to take in X-Ray and Nobody."

"Fairly well? What about that Isen guy?" she questioned.

"Next time I would get to talk to him, he will have a lawyer."

"You could try to get the other two to confess."

"They may lawyer up as soon as they hear that they could be in for their own interrogation. They are best friends. With the stuff we have on record, I doubt that as soon as summer starts they just cut contact. And what are you planning on doing for the trial? You are one of the key witnesses for Isen's part, but why you were there would involve confessing? And they are minors. That would straight-up be confessing in front of the Haruki's the murder of their son."

"Kassandra, we do not refer to them as victims. They are criminals. It is not murder. It is carrying out our jobs." She straightened up her tie. "And I think with the trial you know what is meant by minors. Do you really think that we would want the public to know that there were ever minor vigilantes? Do you think that we should let them know that the corruption runs that deep? Yes, yes. I know that as minors, they will keep their name out of the media, but it is still going to be reported. Word will get out for a vigilante trial; there is no way to keep it under wraps. So it will be dealt without outside of the law."

"But all the evidence shows that they aren't acting as vigilantes anymore. You won't be able to target them as Volcan."

"Whoever said anything about Volcan? We have other methods to deal with them."

Seraphina sat in her room, leaning against her chair so it tilted back so she could stare up at the blank ceiling without having to crane her neck. Her feet rested up against the white desk, her laptop now in it's case resting up against the desk.


She jumped out of her skin and her knees jolted as she slipped her legs off her desk and up righted herself in seconds. Her ankle hit one of the legs of the chair and she hissed as it jolted.

"Seraphina!" Her mother stomped over to her. "Why are you putting your legs on the desk? Now it will have to be cleaned again!"

"What? No?" she exclaimed. "You don't have to make Eloise do it again. It's fine." She stood up on her feet.

"Oh no, Seraphina, I do." She looked towards the door and shouted, "ELOISE!" The maid shuffled into the room in her uniform. "You need to clean Seraphina's desk."

She didn't argue and instead walked over with her tray, keeping her head down to avoid their eyes. Sera headed over to her mother and avoided her way.

"What's the problem?" she asked. She shook under her gaze, her heart thumping.

"Why are you putting your feet on your desk? That is not how you were taught to behave!" she shouted at her, coming closer and closer to her. "And that is just first of all! Do you think we aren't aware of you leaving at the dead of night?" She snatched up her wrist. "Where are you going? It isn't safe out there."

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