39. Convincing Ben

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In those bushes was a Sinoceratops. It has been a while since we've heard from them. It has also been stabbed by the Scorpius's quills. Darius approaches it and pulls it out. It's going to get insane. That made it insane and it started chasing him. He nearly fell off a cliff while running. He managed to get up though. The problem is, the tip of the cliff started falling. And he is standing on the top on the tip of the cliff. He was about to fall. But Ben grabbed him.

Ben: What the heck are you doing?

Darius: I'm here to find you.

Ben helped him up and walked away.

Darius: Okay, let's go. If we leave now, we'll be there before sunrise.

Ben kept walking away.

Darius: Ben, the boat's back this way. Hello, Ben? Are you even listening? Ben stop. Look, I know you're worried. Bumpy could be anywhere.

Ben: Exactly. She can be wherever the Scorpius Rex is. I need to find her before it does. If you wanna go to the boat, go. No one's stopping you.

I mean...he's stopping him.

Back in the forest, we were still looking for the tree with a missing bark.

Brooklyn: Hey guys, can we take a water break? I'm feeling kind of weird and I think I could really use one.

We sat for like 2 minutes.

Me: Better?

Brooklyn: I hope so.

Sammy: Way to be prepared.

She gave Kenji a playful punch. Me, Kenji, and Yaz backed up a bit.

Kenji: If she is gonna keep encouraging me, I'm gonna lose it.

Yaz: Me too.

Me: Sammy, can we chat for a minute?

Sammy: Sure. I'll be right back. What's up, camp fam?

Me: Okay, I have no idea why you're acting like this, but you have to stop!

Sammy: What are you talking about?

Yaz: Your kindness is killing us.

Kenji: Killing.

Sammy: Look, Brooklyn needs us to stay positive, and that's what I'm doing.

Brooklyn: Uh, hey guys! I don't know why we do these side huddles, whispering and such, because I can hear every word. Sammy, your kindness, it's killing me too.

Sammy: What?

Kenji: Killing.

Sammy knocks him to the floor. Something I would do.

Sammy: But, I was just trying to—

Brooklyn: I know, I know. You're just trying to help. But you're freaking us out. I thought I was hallucinating by the way you were acting. Wait, maybe I am hallucinating. Are you guys seeing floating fairies too?

We looked in the direction.

Me: Wait, they're...the Parasaurolophuses. From the caves!

We jumped behind a log and hid there.

Back in the jungle, Darius and Ben were looking for Bumpy.

Ben: Bumpy's close. You can tell by the—

Darius: Drool, yeah. I get it.

Ben: This is the very first berry patch we tried together. She always comes here. And when she's finished here, she always goes by the waterfall.

Darius: Okay. Let's go to the waterfall.

But they hear something, so they hid.

Darius: Scorpius?

Ben: No. It's footsteps aren't that heavy. I think it's...

Bumpy comes out of the shadows.

Ben: Bumpy!

Darius: I guess yelling her name did work. Glad you're okay, girl. Phew, we were worried. Now let's head back before—

Ben: I, uh...I'm not going with you.

Darius: Fine, stay mad at me. We don't have to walk together. I'll stay 10 paces behind you, cool?Doesn't matter how we get to the boat, we just get there.

Ben: No. I'm not leaving the island.

Darius: Ugh, this again. Ben, Bumpy fits on the boat, and Bumpy is with us now. Ergo, boat time for all of us. Let's go.

Ben: This was never just about Bumpy. It's about me too, I need to stay.

Darius: Ben, that's crazy. You need to go home.

Ben: This is my home! I'm happy here! I've got Bumpy. I've got grubs. I've got the thick jungle air. What more could I want?

Darius: Hand sanitizer for starters.

Ben: I'm more me than I have ever been on this island. The best version of me. I changed.

Okay, now I wish more than ever that he never fell off that monorail.

Darius: You'll never make it.

Ben: Well why don't you trust me?

Darius: Because you're just a kid.

You are too. And younger than him.

Ben: Like that's supposed to matter. Heck, Bumpy and I defeated—

Darius: Ugh! If you tell me on more time how you defeated Toro, I'm going to lose it.

Ben: Well I hope you can find it because we did defeat Toro! So we can do anything.

Darius: This is ridiculous! I tried being patient, but we're out of time! It's almost sunrise!

Ben: Darius, you're not listening.

Darius: No, you're not listening.

Ben: I'm sorry you're not happy with my decision, but it's not up to you. I like who I am and I'm staying here, and that's final.

I'm sorry you don't want to go home, but it's not up to you. You might like who you are here, but you're leaving and that's final. It turns into a fight now. Luckily, Darius stops the fight saying,

Darius: I'm not abandoning you again.

Ben stopped what he was about to do. Bumpy went somewhere. Ben and Darius followed her. She was going to her herd with like 16 Ankylosauruses.

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