5. Tell us your problem

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Back down there, Darius and I were just guessing Ben's problem.

Me: You are insecure about your headband.

Ben: Nope.

Darius: Out of hand sanitizer?

Ben: [scoffs] Never.

Me: You have a phobia of some sort, acrophobia.

Ben: No.

Darius: Auto phobia?

Ben: What's that?

Darius: I think it's being afraid of being alone.

Me: Isn't everyone?

Darius: Right. But whatever it is, I'm sure we can help.

Ben: No you can't! Not every problem has a solution!

Me: Yes it does.

Ben: Not this one.

Me: Well if you tell us what it is we can figure it out!

Darius: You have carbon issues. You're out of clean underwear.

Ben had enough. He let it out.

Ben: I don't wanna leave Bumpy again, okay? That's my problem!

Me: Oh.

Darius: Well, you don't have to leave Bumpy. We'll build a bigger raft.

Ben: Darius, we've been through this. She will never fit on a raft. I have to leave her here. There's no other way. When I saw her back at camp, I realized it was a mistake leaving here. She's always been there for me. And I just abandon her? I can't do it again. I just can't.

Me: Ben, Bumpy will be okay without you.

Ben: Of course she will. She's a survivor, it's just that...I don't know if I'll be okay. I appreciate what you're trying to do, you guys, but some things...just can't be fixed.

Darius and I looked at each other, then down, hopeless that we couldn't help our friend.

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