Chapter 10

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When my alarm went off, I was so annoyed and sleepy that I considered cancelling the home service. It may have taken some tossing and turning and arguing with myself before I decided to get up. Begrudgingly, that is.

I was at the kitchen sink, washing the cup I used when Dylan greeted me good morning. I glanced at him and continued what I was doing. "Good morning. You're up early for a weekend," I noted.

He yawned and stretched, going over the fridge to get some milk for his cereal. "I took up my co-worker's shift for today. He's got an early schedule."

"Ah," I said. "So that's what's kept you booked for today."

He hummed in response, busy eating and checking his phone. I wiped my hands dry when I was done, heading out the kitchen. "I'll see you later," I told him as I ruffled his hair on the way.

"Yeah, take care!" he replied, waving a bit.

Before I left, I double-checked the tools I'd bring as well as the address on the note the man had given me. I've more or less memorised this town but there are still parts that I'm unfamiliar with. I just decided I'd open a Maps application once I've gotten to a part I'm not used to. I also texted the customer to let him know I was on my way. Receiving a response from him made me feel relieved and assured that they hadn't forgotten about the appointment.

I would have assumed I was just out for a leisurely drive today if it hadn't been for the pinned location on my app. The breeze is too pleasant to be a working appointment, and I felt my laziness creep up on me once more. My mind wandered and I began to think about how different people go about their lives; some may be working their arses off as early as before the sun comes up, while others wouldn't bat an eye no matter how much time they spent on a day just because they could. I began to wonder where I would be or what I would be doing if I had been born into a wealthy family who didn't have to worry about putting food on the table.

I wondered if I would have had a job, if I would have enjoyed riding a motorcycle, or if I would have tried renting out rooms. I became uneasy when I realised I wouldn't have lived the life I have today and wouldn't have met the people I have met, such as Dyl. I was so put off by the prospect of living differently that I didn't want to think about it any longer.

I pulled over by a massive gate and thought for a few moments if I got the address wrong. I rang the customer's number and told him I was there already. He got out in a few minutes, dismissing me of my thoughts that I was at the wrong place.

"Thank you so much for coming all the way here!" he greeted and guided me inside. "You can just park your bike over there," he pointed to an open space and so I did, taking my tools with me and following him again, turning to the left side of their house. Or maybe others would call it a mansion. The huge gate was the dead giveaway.

I studied the man as he walked in front of me, squinting my eyes a little because of the sun even though I was wearing sunglasses. It's probably not good to judge other people based on the outward appearance they put on, but I somehow wondered what made this man visit my old shop despite him probably having tons of connections. I doubt they don't have a network of tradies that could do the job for them.

I was taken aback when he turned towards me, seemingly expecting a reply to a question I obviously didn't hear. "Pardon?" I asked.

"How long have you been doing your job?" he asked. For others, it would have seemed as if he was testing how good I am at what I do, but his tone and facial expression say otherwise. He's just genuinely curious and is trying to strike up a conversation. I felt guilty for not listening well.

"Oh," I started, shifting my tool bag to my other hand. "My dad's owned the shop since I could remember. He made me help every chance he could."

"I guess you're a pro then!" he said with a gruff voice and low chuckle. I didn't reply and continued following him until we stopped by what I suppose is the car I'm going to work on. "I'll leave you to it. You can give me a ring if you have questions but feel free to check and fix everything you see fit."

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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