50 ; KIBA

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My team rolled a 6, and since I was holding Lee Know's hand, I jumped the places with him. We landed on a mission called Balance quiz. We had to nominate someone from the other teams to get them to not guess our answer.

"Kiba, you do this one." Minho said and took his hand out of my own. I pouted as he walked away to sit down, and I was handed two things with an A or B on.

"Mmmh, who should I choose?" I squinted my eyes as I looked at everyone. I had to pick someone who wasn't similar to me. I handed the other A and B to Changbin hyung.

"Wow, I know you like that back of my hand." He shouted as he pointed at me and I went to bite his finger, "Okay, maybe not."

The first question - if you had to give up on thing before a fan sign event...A. Washing your face or B. Brushing your teeth?

Well, it would obviously be A. I mean, I don't think I have bad morning breath but like I'm talking to people so I have to brush my teeth. I don't think people would notice if you haven't washed your face for one morning, right?

I picked A. And I lost. Changbin also picked A. I turned to him with a straight face. He smirked at me and winked at me.

"I told you I knew you like the back of my hand." 

"I need to stop hanging out with you." I replied and everyone laughed.

"Kiba can't leave Changbin alone." Han rebutted and I nodded seriously at the camera. I love Changbin, there's no one else like him.

Hyunjin and Han rolled again, and it landed on 2 which led to them getting the Fruits mission which Chan had previously failed. Hyunjin was nominated and handed a massive orange thing that was called a pear. 

"I thought pears were green?" I turned to Lee Know who was crouching down to see better. He frowned in confusion. Why were western pears green if this is a pear? 

I'm in foreign confusion.

Hyunjin was going fast and keeping a steady thick peel. Changbin was telling him to slow down and not cut his fingers and I chuckled. He was nearing the end when it nearly snapped off, and everyone decided to cause a ruckus to distract him. Hyunjin was overwhelmed, I could see it despite his smile, and I also get overwhelmed over loud noises to so I covered his ears. 

"Thank you." He said and went back to cutting. He made it to the end.

"This has to be a pass!" Changbin shouted towards the staff, and Chan acted as the judge who passed them. Han cut the fruit for Hyunjin and himself and then told Chan to do the rest. He gave pieces to I.N, Changbin and Seungmin.

It was Felix and Seungmin's turn next, and they rolled a 4.  They landed on the heart fluttering game. I rolled my eyes again, hoping that Felix would be the one under the cat ears. Thankfully, Seungmin said he should do it because he would laugh. So, Felix put on the cat ears.

"Ah, I feel like all of you could easily flatter me." Felix confessed nervously, and he looked at everyone.

"He looked right at me!" Lee Know shouted and smiled nervously and the rest of us egged him on.

Lee Knows first move was to tickle Felix when the time started, but it wasn't effective. Changbin told Minho to do aegyo so he did, and it made Felix laugh which made the ears turn slightly. Lee Know got embarrassed so stopped doing it and did some more tickling on his neck which had a strong reaction apparently. I guess Felix likes his neck being touched...

The timer stopped at 60 seconds, and the ears only moved for 6 seconds so Felix and Seungmin were able to build on the board.

WAH team was next - they rolled a one. It was the heart fluttering mission again and since Hyunjin and Han had built on that space, if I.N and Changbin succeeded they were able to steal their property. It was I.N's turn to wear the kitty ears, and he looked cute in them. All of us started teasing him for how cute he looked.

"Okay, I choose...my roommate Han!" 

Han decided to use his refusal chance from the first round.

"Really?" I.N questioned, and Han held up the chance.

"I don't have the confidence to flatter you, so I'll refuse." Han announced and I laughed at his reason for not taking part. Seungmin was pointing his finger at himself, and my smile dropped. I don't want to feel angry while filming. I watched as he stood up and walked towards I.N.

As soon as the time started, Seungmin went straight for I.N and started touching his shoulders and arms.

"Yongbok calm down!" Changbin shouted, and everyone kind of turned in his direction in shock.

"Yongbok?" Han questioned.

"WHY DO YOU KEEP CALLING ME YONGBOK?" I.N shouted while trying to ward off Seungmin. Changbin laughed loudly and I chuckled at I.N's outburst too.

Seungmin started shaking his hips to catch I.N off guard and it worked as the ears moved quickly in different directions. I.N and Changbin had succeed just barely with 24 seconds, and I could tell I.N was exhausted with this challenge. I laughed at his expression, but they managed to steal Han and Hyunjin's building.

We played for a bit longer till eventually Seungmin was nominated to do the Heart fluttering challenge. He put on the cat ears, and I can't lie, he looked adorable. Nothing was happening and the ears were already moving. He looked at everyone till his eyes landed on mine, he smiled and I stood up.

"Oh, he picked Kiba-ssi!" Chan said and I walked up to him with a little bit of a proud smirk on my face. I was surprised to see that he thought I couldn't make him flustered.

The ears were already moving when I walked up to him.

"Why are they moving?" Seungmin asked the staff who then shrugged at him with a smile. He turned back to me more nervous than before. The time started and I walked forward slowly. He kind of leaned back from me so I took a step and snaked my arm around his waist and held him close. I could hear the "oohhhh's" from the other members.

Seungmin's face was in a permanent pout to stop himself from laughing or smiling. I pouted my lips too and moved my head forward for him to quickly back away. I smiled at his nervous actions. I decided to put my other hand on the side of his neck, and I made weird cat sounds which he cutely responded too with his own cat sounds.

"Wow, his ears are shaking so much!" Chan shouted out and I smiled.

I decided for my last attack I would simply fluster him. I leaned in forward beside his ear and whispered to him.

"I've been pretty angry with you." I started, "I want you to touch me like you touched Han."

I backed away with a smile and I looked up at the ears which wouldn't stop turning in every direction possible. The other members were cheering loudly and then the time stopped. Seungmin had failed his mission and turned to the staff angry and in shock though he had a smile on his face.

As the game continued, I felt a bit lighter, and I was having fun. Our team actually ended up winning which I made sure everyone knew and celebrated with my hyungs by kissing their cheeks lightly and innocently. We ended the episode there and said our goodbyes to Stay as Kingdom would occupy us till the next filming session.

Hopefully, Hyunjin had fun today and would be ready to return after Kingdom when the scandal is hopefully done and dusted with.

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