33 ; KIBA

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Han went next, and this time Changbin and I decided to move the circle so Han would be confused on where to put the flag when he came back down. Han got 34.43 seconds which was fast. Han picked I.N top go next. This time Seungmin and I sat on the circle and just watched as I.N made it past everyone easily. Han came bounding in when I.N was pulling Seungmin's leg, and his foot went up my ass.


I heard laughing, and I lay on my side holding my butt. I.N managed to get 37.31 seconds. I looked at Han who was still laughing and then Seungmin stood above me with a smile.

"His foot went up my ass." I whispered and he bent down and softly patted my butt. I laughed, feeling better.

Hyunjin was chosen next. I watched Hyunjin from the bottom as I.N and I sat on the circle again. Seungmin and Han joined as we huddled together to stop Hyunjin's long limbs from placing the flag in the circle, but he ended up collapsing into us and making us fall like dominos. Hyunjin got 32 seconds which was quick.

It was Lee Know next. He started the challenge by taking small baby steps up the hill. I sat on the circle and watched as Minho tripped at the top of the hill, he then picked up the flag and tried to see if it was pointy. He suddenly came running down the hill full speed towards Han who had to quickly duck out the way. I laughed loudly.

I lay down quickly, and I.N lay on top of me to stop the crazy mum of the group. When Lee Know got here, he struck the flag on I.N butt and he fell off the top of me, so the flag was stabbed into my butt too. I screamed and laughed, but Lee Know got 1minute and 2 seconds.

Felix was next. I lay down, I.N back on top of me and we watched quietly as Felix's little fast legs were practically flying back down the slope. He fell on his knees once, but he stood up and Han ran over to make the 3rd layer. Felix was desperately showing that he couldn't put the flag in the circle, so the staff stopped the time at 30.88 seconds.

Finally, it was Bang Chan to run last.

"Leader's record will be in the 20s." Lee Know said and most of us agreed other than Chan.

"Abeoji, fighting!" I said with a smile, and everyone chuckled.

"Cute." Chan said back and I put up a fist for 'fighting'.

Chris started running, and I lay on top of I.N this time, and Seungmin was asking people to go sledding. As a group, our energy had dissolved. It was fun to watch though. Chan was immediately running back down, flag in hand, dodging everyone like Tony Stark. Chan got the quickest time of 23.76 seconds, so we cheered for him. I put my hands of his shoulders and jumped a few times.

"I knew you could do it Abeoji!" I said in English.

"Time to swear allegiance to the King." A staff member shouted out, "You need to kneel on one knee."

Hyunjin and Lee Know sat down with one knee bent and asked if it counted. I stood in front of Chan, kissed his cheek and bent down on one knee, being dramatic. The others followed with hesitation and laughter.

"I have a question." Han asked, "You must have made some pledges right?"

"The king always fulfils his pledges." Lee Know shouted out, and I sat down, my knees hurting from the hard snow.

"What I heard is that the king will buy a bucket of fried chicken for each and every one!" 

"No, Abeoji said he'll be the one to do the dishes when we get home!" I shouted and everyone laughed and agreed, teasing our leader.

"If he fails to do so, this is not a nation!" I.N continued and I high fived him.

"I don't want to be king..." Chan said with a regretful smile.

We were now scheduled to have some breaks and some food before carrying on with the filming since we were going to be filming for the whole day and most likely won't get back till dark. So, all 9 of us sat in a tent thing, and had some hot ramen in front of us.

"Kiba calling me Abeoji caught me off guard." Chan laughed as he peered over at me, so I winked happily.

"Yeah, and he kissed your cheek." Hyunjin laughed.

"So do I start calling you agi?"

I nodded at Chan as we continued talking about what we just did and laughing at each other as we found ice in each other's hoods.

The next challenge after our food was to go down the slope on a sled with a 2l water jug and whoever has the most amount of water by the end would win. Since Chan went last the last round, he was able to choose the order of this round.

"This time will be different. Since Changbin went first last round." Chan said, "Changbin will go first this round."

He was taken by a staff member to get the sled and go up the bank where he'll be handed the water beaker. While we were waiting, Lee Know was pulling around Hyunjin who was sitting on the inflatable sled. I was hugging Seungmin because I was cold even with 3 layers on, and because I didn't have any hat or scarf on, also, I missed him.

Once Changbin was at the top, we settled in a line to watch him ride down. His journey was bumpy, and he was holding the beaker with only one hand to the side. We were all laughing when he slid off the sled and was coming down the slope at an uncomfortable angle.

At the bottom of the slope, he stood up and handed the water beaker to a member of staff who showed it to the camera and Changbin had 1 litre left in the beaker which was better than I was expecting.

"Who wants to go next?"

"I do!" Shouted out Han.

"Han can go last." Chan said and I chuckled, "Puppy will go next."

I looked at Seungmin who was beside me, standing up and I gave a light smack to his butt before he headed off to be the 2nd participant. 

KIBA ; STRAY KIDSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora