Episode 2 - Part 2: Nobodies to Cuties

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The six trainees belonging to the second group sat around in a circle somewhere to the side of the stage, though with the twins side by side and the two brothers who were hand in hand, it looked more like a triangle with how close most of them were to only one other person already. Yet, despite being with people they already knew, the group still had a silence to them. It wasn't until Jinhyuk cleared his throat and spoke did the silence fall.

"Does anybody have any ideas on what we should do?" Jinhyuk asked.

Nobody seemed to have any ideas, or if they did, they were too shy to share, except for one.

"Well we are all on the younger side right?" The newly adulted Yemin spoke. "What if we do a fresh or cute concept?"

"The other groups do seem masculine." Howon said looking at the other groups. "It would probably make us stand out."

Everyone was still kind of quiet. Finally Junwon had an idea.

"What about Very Very Good by Last Chance?" Junwon suggested. "I know it's not that cute but it's not that masculine either, and the choreography seems easy to follow for some of us who aren't as good at dancing yet still fun."

"That's not bad." Heeun said.

"But it's a seven-member song." Jinhyuk pointed out. "Would we be able to split parts?"

"I think we could manage." Howon said, flashing his older brother a smile.

"I'm still not sure that fits us." Yemin said.

"What about D.S.H's 'You're My Flower'?" Jinhyuk suggested. "We might be able to make our own choreography for that that fits both the bright members and not so bright members."

"Oh!" Yemin grew excited. "I like that idea."

"Me too." Minhyuk gave a single nod.

"I do really like that song." Howon muttered, not wanting to upset his brother who had the original idea.

"I do too, let's do that." Junwon said. "If that's okay with everyone else."

"Of course." Heeun said, everyone nodding.

"Then we should separate into two groups." Jinhyuk said. "One makes the choreography and the other makes the line distribution, does that work?"

Nobody seemed to object.

"Who is good at dancing or making choreography?" Heeun asked.

Jinhyuk and Yemin immediately raised their hands. Meanwhile, Junwon was elbowing his younger brother.

"I'm not that good." Howon shook his head.

"Yes you are." Junwon replied.

"What was your rank in dance?" Heeun asked the young male.

"A four..." The male replied shyly, although it was a good score.

"I got a three." Heeun said, then looked at Minhyuk for his answer.

"So did I." Minhyuk nodded.

"That means you're the best out of the rest of us." Junwon said to his brother. "Besides, you say you want to learn to create choreography."

"Join us!" Yemin exclaimed. "It'll be fun!"

"We'll help you if you need it." Jinhyuk flashed a heartwarming smile.

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