Renegades Ocs Short Story

Start from the beginning

Everett sighed "must we wear our *villain outfits?" He glared at his white bodysuit.

Evelynn glanced at him from the corner of her eye. "Why, you trying to impress someone?"

"Honestly Eve you are such a child."

Evelynn rolled her eyes, brushing back her hair. While surveying the crowd, a small body crashed into her.

Everett's arm shot out and grabbed the girl by the wrist in her hand was Eve's golden locket.

The girl looked at with wide hazel eyes, but Evelynn was already brimming with fury.

"Give me my locket," she growled, and the very air trembled- though whether that was her power acting up or how loud her voice was it was impossible to tell.

The girl scowled, and tossed the locket to the ground, none-too-gently. Even though Evelynn wanted to drop the girl and grab the locket, grasping for that last bit of family, she could tell that was what the girl wanted. So she grabbed the girl's throat and squeezed, thankful for the Anarchist's training sessions making her emotions cold. The locket levitated up to her hand, and Evelynn was suddenly struck with something- she knew this girl.

This was Nova.

Her hand loosened for a fraction of a second, before the rational part of her brain kicked in.

No. Just no. 

In one swift movement Everett had grabbed the girl pulled out his dagger and held it to her neck.

"Wow, you sure are stupid," the girl said as the dagger crumpled in onto itself. She wrenched her hands out of his grip and tried to run away.

Evelynn floated the girl to about a foot over the ground, holding her immobile in the air.  She walked over, a calm expression on her face.

"Do you know what I do to people who steal from me?" Evelynn asked, and the girl raised a foot higher.

Everett chuckled "now Oven we need our songbird alive." He studied his  nails "but only alive I'm sure you can maim her bit."

"You've got to be kidding me," Evelynn said, and the air around the girl tightened, seeming to squeeze the air out of her. The Nova look-alike scowled, but Evelynn telekinetically choked her even more, and that shut her up pretty quickly.

"Eve" Everett said in a warning tone "she has to be conscious."

"Um, what the heck?" the girl choked out when Evelynn loosened up the tiniest bit. "What are you weirdos talking about? How is- she- doing that?"

"It's called being a Anarchist, genius" Everett replied.

The girl let out a short hoarse laugh. "All of the Anarchists are dead. Oven and Bloodmoon were killed."

"Do I look dead to you?" Evelynn asked, and the girl floated closer.

Everett grinned "with your complexion you certainly look dead. Not mention the sleepdeprived look."

Evelynn turned to him. "Well I'm sorry. We can't all be Nova Artino." Then she looked back at the girl. "What's your name, petty thief?"

The girl scowled at her "my name is Magpie"

"Oh, how adorable," Evelynn said. "She has a little alias."

"What do you want from me?" Magpie demanded, attempting to use her power, even though Evelynn had blocked it.

"Well" Everett replied "you little songbird are the key to our success. So it isn't really a matter of whether you agree or not we'll just kidnap you."

"But. .." Evelynn started, using her few people skills. "I'd guess with your status, you're not exactly a fan of Nova Artino, or Mclaine, whatever she's going be now."

The girls struggling ceased. "You could say that."

"Well then songbird whose side are you on? Nova's who gave the entire world superpowers. Or us who are going to bring back anarchy."

"What are you gonna do, take away everyone's powers?" Magpie scoffed. "Ace Anarchy couldn't do that, and he had Agent N and half an army."

"Ace had more faith in the Bandit than he had in me, and that was his downfall," Evelynn scowled. "You may have noticed that you can't use your powers while I'm holding you." She took a step closer. "Imagine what I could do with the helmet."

"Um no Eve I am going to be the one with the helmet your powers don't need any more enhancing."

"Sweet rot, Everett!" she burst. "How do you expect to muffle the superpowers of everyone in the world, hm?"

"Well it was my powers that found Songbird wasn't it Eve?"

"Yeah, great! Now we have her, and the whole plan is for us to prevent everyone's superpowers, and kill Nova. How are your powers gonna be useful in any of that?" 

"I can see the future I know how this is going to play out I know what they are planning and I know that Songbird called renegades on her bracelet communicator."

Next to him Magpie let out a muffled squeak.

Evelynn sighed. "Guess we'll go with kidnapping then."

Comment if you want another chapter! Oh, also this is a post-supernova that isn't centered around Nova. *le gasp* If you see any conflicting writing styles, that's cause me and wrote this together. Comment and vote, pls!!

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