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6 years later (Time skipped.....)

(I blurred the face so imagine him as wei wuxian)

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(I blurred the face so imagine him as wei wuxian)

Lan zhan was helping wei ying wearing his cloak getting ready for today's meetings and duties.... It was actually a courtier's duty to Prepare his Majesty clothes and accessories but since lan zhan has started living with his husband in the same room he didn't allowed anyone to help wei ying and he himself do all his personal works.

Lan zhan was 12 years old when he left gusu and started living in yilling,as per  the King's verdict given to him on his marriage day.

It was not easy for him to leave his family and live here but for the love he has for his wei ge he did everything he could for staying close with him. For 3 years he was thought all the ethics, rules,regulations,knowledge required for him to be a proper queen and husband in the future as a queen plays an important part in the life of nation, undertaking constitutional and representational duties and also a proper royal member of yilling.

He was home Schooled and was a very intelligent student who quickly learned everything that was thought to him. The Royal tutors always praised him for his extraordinary performance in academics.

All these 3 years he rarely got chance to meet his wei ge due to his or the crown prince's busy schedule and also they were not allowed to stay in a same room till lan zhan completed atleast his high school. But everytime he gets the chance he would be very happy and spent his time wholeheartedly with his wei ge and always waited for their next meet.

When lan zhan turned 15 he was finally allowed to stay with wei ying and the same year wei ying turned 20 and his coronation was held.

The coronation was held in an ancient way.. Wei ying took an oath before the country , his people and was finally crowned, blessed, and anionted. The ceremony was religious and symbolic.

Since then lan zhan and wei ying started living as a couple ... Lan zhan started to learn more about wei ying's behaviours and character. Though wei ying always remains Expressionless and it's hard for anyone to know what going on in his thoughts and his next moves.... But lan zhan most of the time understands him, he loves him, accepted him as he believes his wei ge one day will reciprocate his feelings same as his.


It was complete silence in the room, lan zhan was occasionally stealing glances of wei ying while slowly helping him button his cloak. And as usual wei ying with a cold face was just standing staring into nothing.

When lan zhan was done he looks in to wei ying's eyes and when wei ying feels someone's gaze on him he looks in that direction and lan zhan's hand slowly caress his face and leaned to kiss him . When their lips meet lan zhan feels completely blissed if it was in his hands he would completely stays kissing his wei ying for eternity but sadly he has to move.

Lan zhan always kisses him more like a peck and expects a response but he gets none though sometimes wei ying returns his kisses but that was very rare

Wei ge....


Can we go outside today for dinner.... Lan zhan knows what his answer will be but still he tries

Today I have to accompany aunty and cousins for a formal meeting ... Wei ying started going away

Lan zhan quickly back hugs him tightly like he doesn't want to let go of him ever

Always reasons..... Ge can't you cancel it for today... Lan zhan holds wei ying's hand and turns towards front

No..... Be good.... Said wei ying and walked away

Ge when was the last time we went for a dinner.... When was the last time you initiated a kiss.... When was the last time we actually spent time together like a couple .... Why are you always like this... Why..... Lan zhan slowly started crying his cries echoed in the silent room 



Hey guys
Do vote and comment 🥰
Take care

Guys now lan zhan is 17 years
                    Wei ying is 22 years 😉

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