Chapter 11: All Aboard!

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They went back to the hotel with big smiles on their faces. But the excitement was short-lived. Lusamine announced that they would be leaving for Dendemille Town via train on Sunday. They had to get to Mohn as soon as possible or find more evidence for his location before the harsh weather set it.

Mitsuki took it in stride. It was the end of November and December was right around the corner. She knew Lusamine was distressed and anxious to see her husband again after so many years. But what worried her was would he remember his family?

By some silly twist of fate, Gladion ended up sharing a room with her and Leah: a two-bed room with a small kitchen and sitting area. After hearing how Josh acted, she felt her 17-year-old son should stay with Mitsuki for her sake and Gladion's sanity. For the few weeks after the Halloween party, Gladion couldn't sleep easily unless he knew Mitsuki's door was closed and locked from the inside, and only she and the staff had the key. He just didn't want Josh hurting Mitsuki and Leah having to be witness to it. Instead of any of the girls sleeping in the same room as Josh, he slept alone now as per Lusamine's request and authority. She was easily old enough to be Josh's mother and had the authoritative voice to prove it.

On the other hand, Mitsuki's dreams were becoming more and more vivid and increasing in frequency. They also showed more harsh realities and toyed with her emotions. However, where once they showed past events, these new dreams seemed to show future ones. An avalanche, an unfamiliar Absol, Gladion in a hospital bed--which toyed with her emotions to no end--Ultra Beasts of all kinds, Lunala, and even a Team Rocket Base. She didn't want to alarm anyone, but waking up and seeing Gladion sound asleep peacefully in the other bed, hearing the steady sound of his breathing, sensing his auras close by, and knowing he was there to comfort her was reassuring and allowed the fear to sink back down her throat.

Saturday night. She woke up to her own cold sweat drenching her. Everyone was sound asleep, but Gladion was stirring as Silvally chewed on his trainer's hair. Silvally was the only other being awake at that time, but when he noticed Mitsuki panicking, he woke up Eirene and furiously chewed on Gladion's hair to wake him up.

"Silvally..." Mitsuki whispered, "Let him sleep."

He growled at her, indicating that he didn't think that her choice was right. Mitsuki wasn't having it. She slipped out of bed, narrowly missing one of Nymphia's feelers, and crawled onto the bed to push Silvally away. Eirene must have been waiting for it, since she quickly clambered around her and pinned her to the bed by laying all her weight on Mitsuki's legs.

Knowing she couldn't move Eirene's dead weight, Mitsuki kind of gave up, flopping onto the mattress next to Gladion. Eirene was right; she needed comfort, but Mitsuki really didn't want to wake up Gladion because her Type: Null said the distressed teenage girl needed his comfort.

She just laid there, listening to his breathing as he slowly fell back asleep. As she listened to the steady sound, she found herself craving his touch, his warm embrace. Unable to resist the craving, she reached for his hand, just hoping for a hint of that warmth.

Eirene was kind of sick of her trainer beating around the bush over this, not really understanding the risks; just like Nymphia. She shoved Mitsuki straight into Gladion's chest. This didn't wake him up instantly like Mitsuki feared. He stirred, and then opened his eyes.

"Hey..." he mumbled. "Couldn't sleep?"

Mitsuki trembled as he sat up. "S-Sorry... D-Didn't mean to wake you up. S--"

"Don't be..." he muttered, rubbing sleep from his eyes. "You're not the only one who's needed my comfort after a panic attack. *Ahem* Silvally..." He shook his hair loose, noticed Silvally had been chewing on it, and shot his Synthetic Pokémon a scathing glance. Turning back to her, he asked, "So, what's up?"

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