Part V: Just Fun And Sex

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V: Marie

Marie cut Kylie off with a kiss.

The brunette seemed surprised at first, then responded, deepening the kiss. It wasn't hungry or fevered the way their kisses had been on the way in. Instead it was slow, languorous...

Like my kiss with Lexi.

The thought stunned Marie to the point that she broke the kiss.

She blinked, forcing the thought away before returning to the present.

"Sorry," she said, cheeks growing hot as she met Kylie's gaze, "I--"

A slender finger against her lips cut Marie off, sending a shiver down her spine.

"Don't apologize," Kylie said, "I told you, you need a bit to recover, and you might act a little weird. We can kiss, if you want, or play around, or just lay here for a bit." Kylie grinned, "It's not like I have class tomorrow or somewhere else I need to be tonight."

Marie grinned, then slapped a hand over her mouth as giggles slipped out.

Fuck, is this what she meant by acting weird?

Kylie just grinned, removing the finger from Marie's lips to pull her head down onto her chest.

Fuck, these feel amazing.

"So, what'll it be?" Kylie asked.

Marie almost told the brunette she just wanted to lie there like that for a while. It felt so nice to just touch someone. Even if they'd had clothes on, it would have been wonderful.

Kaylie started stroking Marie's hair again, and Marie shivered, almost succumbing to the desire to just lie there with Kylie, to touch and be touched. As soon as the words entered her mind, however, they became too real.

Now, I want this? After Liam dumps me for not giving him enough of the same thing?

She knew she'd taken somethings--like his wonderful cooking--for granted. She only now started to realize how much more that sentiment encompassed.

And Kylie said she sleeps with other people. We're not together, and I told her I didn't want to be. I can't let myself believe this is more than sex.

Otherwise, she might want more than that, when Kylie didn't.

"Hey, you alright?"

Marie blinked, looking up at Kylie. The brunette's green eyes held a glimmer of concern.

I'm tense. That's what tipped her off.

Marie forced a smile, "Yeah, sor--"

She cut off as Kylie raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Fuck, why does she have to be so great? Would I be as good to her if our positions were switched?

She didn't want to answer that.

Kylie smiled, "Good. You didn't answer my first question, though."

Marie pushed herself up so she didn't have to crane her neck to meet Kylie's gaze.

"I want to play more. Did I make you cum?"

Kylie shook her head, "I didn't really expect you to, though, with how worked up you were and how hard I planned on making you cum."

She paused, glancing down between them, "You sure your pussy can take more, slut?"

Marie blinked, the address making her shiver. Then she became aware of the tingly soreness between her legs. She rolled off Kylie and onto her back, "Fuuuck. Probably not."

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