Case 3: The Clown

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Lily: Well, you two have fun.

Luther: Same to you.


Kyle and Lily is sitting together watching a movie eating Rocky Road Ice Cream. Lily tearing up watching.....

Lily: How do people even watch this without crying.

Kyle: Ummm, This is just Home Alone.

Lily: I know right......

Kyle is confused.....nothing emotional even happens in it. Lily is just a nervous wreck at this point. She's been this way since the accident happened. Probably because Sarah isn't here to tell here how stupid she is.

Kyle: I think your going through something called "a mood"

Lily: I know what a mood is Kyle. I'm not that old.

Kyle: Well, I just assumed you didn't.

Lily: Well don't just assume things

Kyle: Well,......

Lily: Well?

Kyle: Well.

Lily: Well.

Kyle: Weeeeelllll

Lily: Stop that's annoying.

Kyle: Sorry.....

Lily: Don't be. You had to pick that up from Sarah.

Kyle: I didn't pick that up. I was always this way.

Lily: Yeah, I assumed so...

Kyle: Funny......

Lily: It's not so fun being the bud of the joke.

Kyle: It's Butt.

Lily: Look we're not going to have a debate on metaphors ok. Just let me enjoy the movie.

Hey, Kyle?

Kyle: Yes?

Lily: You know umm, Do you still miss her.

Kyle: No, because there's a clone of her upstairs.

Lily: What?!

Ok, that would be very stupid to say Kyle. How about...

Kyle: Yeah, I still do. What about you?

Lily: There's not a day I don't think about it.

Kyle: Does it still hurt as much.

Lily: Does it still hurt as much? Of course it does. It still hurts the same way.

Kyle: Ok.

Lily: Now, wait just a moment. You don't ask a question like that and then say ok?

Kyle: No, I was just curious.

Lily: About what?

Kyle: Your just going a bit deep into it.

Lily: What are you getting at?

Kyle:'s...... It's..

Lily: Spit it out!

Kyle: Just forget about it.

Lily: No, I'm interested now.

Kyle: It's just....... I don't want you to be worried anymore.

Lily: Worried about what?

Kyle: I know your still looking for the person who killed Mom.

Lily doesn't say anything to Kyle. She just turns around avoiding Kyle's presence.

Living Life Large.(NeedlemOuse Fanfiction) *On Break*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang