Case 2: The Girl Next door.

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30th October, 2022

Halloween is tomorrow, but unfortunately. You're grounded. Great...

Claire: Hey Kyle, are you going trick or treating tomorrow?

Kyle: No, I'm actually grounded remember?

Claire: And? You only get this chance once a year. Don't let it fly by.

Kyle: I'm sorry, but I can't

Kyle closes his locker.

Kyle: My mom will rip me in half.

Claire: Come on Kyle, she won't be like that.

Kyle: I'm telling you...... She's going to be like that.

Claire: Well, you'll never know unless you try.

Kyle: Are you trying to get me murdered? 

Amy is along with Thomas watching Kyle's conversation with Claire.

Amy: Did he forget, we exist?

Thomas: I think he's still mad.

Amy: Mad about what?

Thomas: um, noting special.

Amy raises her eyebrow to Thomas. Mainly because she can see through his bull.

Amy: What happened?

Thomas: Like I said, nothing special.

Amy: Well, it's strange he's not talking to you.

Thomas: Well, even best friends have their moments.

Amy: Right before Halloween too........ He seems to getting along with the new girl quite well.

Thomas: I sense jealousy...

Amy hits Tom in his nose.

Thomas: Ow...

Amy: They haven't talked to each other that much, and yet it's like their best friends.

Thomas: I see your point, but why is that important to you?

Amy: I don't trust that girl.

Thomas: Yeah, she's a man stealer.

Kyle hits the back of his neck.

Kyle: Mosquitos......

Claire: Anyway, see you tomorrow.

Kyle: Bye.....

Kyle walks away from Claire. He feels a weird surge of pain coming from the spot were a mosquito bit him.

4:30 PM

Lily: No! Your not going.

Kyle: But Mom it's.....

Lily: I don't care....... You should have thought about that before jumping into an explosion. It's not happening.

Kyle: But...

Lily: No buts..... Your still grounded remember.

Kyle makes his face in an angry expression towards his mother. Which causes something in Lily to awaken.

Lily's Mind: Did he just......

Lily's ancestor: Oh yes, he did. That boy has lost his mind to do something like that. I think it's time.

Lily's Mind: No,.... I must resist. I can't...... I can't. I can't do it.

Lily's ancestor: You must. It's the only way.

Lily's Mind: The belt?

Lily's ancestor: Yes, the belt. We passed on it for generations. It's your time daring.

Living Life Large.(NeedlemOuse Fanfiction) *On Break*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя