Case 2: The Girl Next Door

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27th October, 2022.

The signature Pink and blue trousers Kyle wears to school is seen coming down his stairwell. His mother is making breakfast again. This time, she is making something different.

Lily: Kyle, hurry up. Your going to be late.

Kyle: Alright, Mom.

Kyle goes to the table and starts to eat his French Toast.

Lily: I have some people later coming to check the wall, and your bed, so you won't be sleeping in my room for anymore after that is done. Thank the heavens.

Kyle: You sound excited. I don't sleep that bad.

Lily: Don't make me laugh. I could hardly move my neck because of you...ow.

Kyle: Sorry.

Lily: Don't be, it was my fault that guy got in. I should've been paying more attention... I can't afford to lose you to.......

Kyle hugs his mother.

Lily: Ok, ok. My neck remember.

Kyle takes a look at the stairwell, and sees a pair of blue jeans start to come down it.

Kyle: Oh... I forgot.

Kyle heads up the stairs and carries Sarah up with him. He puts her in his room.

Kyle: Hey, didn't I tell you to stay here.

Sarah: I'm sorry master, but I got hungry.

Kyle: You got to be kidding me. Okay, um. There's some food in the fridge, wait until no one is down there, and then you could eat.

Sarah: Ok.

Kyle: And don't eat everything. Just take a bit of bread and butter with some milk. I'll bring some food home for you.

Sarah: Will that be enough? What will I do if I get bored?

Kyle: Your not making this easy. Hmmm, ok. Here are some manga, read them if you get bored.

Sarah: I will do my best.

Kyle closes the door behind him and heads back downstairs.

Kyle: Ok see you later.

Lily: Bye. Love you.

9:I5 am

Good Morning, Class. Today, we going to be talking about.

Kyle puts his head on the desk to sleep. He's already known the topic he is going to talk about.

Psst hey.

Kyle looks over to his left to see Amy trying to talk to him.

Amy: Get up, your going to cause him give us a quiz.

Kyle: Fine.

Kyle gets up from his desk.

Kyle: Oh Amy, by the way are you fr-

A dark skinned with gold hair in a bun walks into the classroom. She looks new. The girl has some kind of red paint next to her mouth. She licks it off.

Oh you must be Claire.

Clarie: Yes sir. I'm Claire, I'm a little extroverted. So excited to meet all of you.

Random Student: Damn, that's one to enter a classroom.

Random Student: I like her already.

Well, we're glad to meet you to. Please have a seat nexxxxttt ttoooooooooo Kyle!

Living Life Large.(NeedlemOuse Fanfiction) *On Break*Where stories live. Discover now