Case 1: The Invisible Man

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Kyle and Thomas are still amazed by this new discovery. Some robot or computer just make itself a human body and just walked around like it was nothing.

Kyle: I still don't know, we should at least tell someone.

Thomas: Hmmm, that would be a good idea, but... You know

Kyle: What?

Thomas: Government....... I'm sure you don't want us to be experimented in a lab somewhere.

Kyle: What if they made this and lost it. You don't think, their spying on us right now?

Sarah: What is this device?

Sarah is playing with Kyle's controller. She moves around the analog sticks in a circle. Putting her in a trance.

Thomas: That's a controller.

Sarah: Fantasizing, it's comfortable, and small. Not to big, it fit right into the palm of my head. Where does one get these devices?

Kyle: It comes with a console.

Sarah: Con-sole?

Thomas: How do you know about Math, but not common everyday language?

Sarah: I'm sorry. I've only have cognition for about twenty minutes. I don't know much...... Say why are you wearing a pink shirt.

Sarah's comment on Kyle's choice of clothing offends him abit.

Kyle: It's because I like pink. That's literally the only reason why?

Sarah: Hmmm, I am confused..... Are there any books to read.

Thomas: You could just use the internet.

Sarah: Internet?

Kyle: This is going to be long.....

Thomas: I'm going to get something to drink.

Sarah falls onto the fall unexpectedly.

Sarah: Huh, it seems I am tired.

Kyle picks her up and puts her back in her hiding spot. He picks the piece of wall right back over her, and closes the closet door.

Kyle: Well, that's the end of that.

Thomas is filling a cup of water by the sink. He takes one of sip of it and puts down when footsteps grab his attention. He turns around thinking it's Kyle or Lily, but instead he sees nothing.  Strange he wondered to himself. That's why something gets send right into his stomach making him puke up all the water he just drank. He doesn't see anything, but he was sure something hit him.

Thomas: Ky

Hands wraps around Thomas's mouth.

???: Scream and your dead. Your going to see me where is Kyle.

Thomas doesn't know what is grabbing onto him, but he follows their demands. Tom shakes in fear from the force on his back. He's never been in a situation like this. What is thing planning to do with them. When they arrive at his room door, Kyle opens it to see if it was his mother. However, he sees Tom with tears coming down his face.

Kyle: Hey, are you alright?

Thomas: Yeah.....

Kyle: You don't look so... Did something happened?

Kyle looks closer at Thomas and he sees a pistol raise out of thin air. Kyle is completely frozen in fear as the gun points directly towards him. Thomas manages to push the man back and rushing into the room. Locking the door behind him.

Kyle: What was that?

Thomas: I don't know?


The man is firing at the door knob to open the door.

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