Case 2: The Girl Next Door

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Wednesday 28th October 2022

6:30 pm

The boys start outside the parking lot to Helpy's. The supermarket has police tape all over it, some detectives are still there collecting evidence.

Thomas: What would cause all of this?

Kyle: I don't know, ghost?

Thomas: Ghosts don't exist...... well spiritually.

Kyle: The only thing we could do is explore.

Thomas: Do you not see the crowd of police officers there.

Kyle: We'll just sneak past them.

Thomas: Kyle, that's not going to work. You think they don't have the entire building on lockdown.

Kyle: There could still be a way in.

Thomas: How?

Kyle stretches his legs and prepares to take off.

Thomas: Hold up, people can still see you dumbass.

Kyle: Just for once, let my idea go through.

Thomas: Alright......

Kyle: Nothing happened.

Thomas: Yeah, super speed isn't one of our powers.

Kyle: Don't you have super strength.

Thomas: That gives me an idea.

Kyle goes flying through the roof of the supermarket. The police think some roofing just craved in due to leaks.

Kyle: He threw me.......

Kyle picks himself off the floor a bit shaken up. Kyle notices all of the dead bodies are gone. Probably because they had to be buried. Kyle walks around, but he doesn't find anything suspicious.

Kyle: Square one again.

Kyle walks to the manager's office. Just a bunch of books and bank statements. Nothing of specialty. Kyle's phone rings.

Kyle: What is it, Thomas?

??: I see you little hedgehog.

Kyle is shocked by this voice on the phone.

Kyle: What did you do to Tom?

??: Nothing... Yet.

Kyle: What do you want?

??: For you to get lost.

Kyle: Why should I?

??: Because you don't want a loving mother to bury her own son. Do I make myself clear.

Kyle looks at a camera pointed toward him in the corner of the room.

Kyle: Are you watching me?

??: There are no strings, so I could be free.

There are no strings on me...


Thomas: What the hell!

Thomas watches outside as the supermarket lights on fire. He tries to go inside, but a few officer stop him.

Officer: Are you crazy?!

Officer #2: Stay back!

Kyle is laying on the floor, the explosion knocked him back onto it. He picks himself up and walks towards the exit except flames are covering it.

Kyle: Oh no.... How am I going to get out of here?

??: This isn't looking to good for.

Kyle: Who said that.

Living Life Large.(NeedlemOuse Fanfiction) *On Break*Where stories live. Discover now