Case 1: The invisible man

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Luther is driving home after getting the boys something to eat. He turns on the radio to hear some music to calm his nerves.


Radio: Good Afternoon, In the last hour about fifty


Thomas: Why did you turn it off?

Luther: No reason, at all.

Kyle: Mr. Artwright? I noticed a bunch of police cars earlier. Do you have any idea what that was about?

Luther: No.... Probably some traffic jam.

Kyle: Oh ok then.

Luther: So Tom, why didn't you went to work today. I'm sure you didn't stay home to study.

Thomas feels a lump come in his throat. He is nervous to tell his father the true reason why he didn't went to work.

Luther: Come on, I won't be mad. I skip days to work when I was your age. I even do it now.

Kyle: That's a bad habit.

Luther: It's okay to tell a little lie here and then.

Kyle: I guess you are right.

Thomas: Fine, I just...... I just didn't feel like it. I didn't wanted to work today. Something just told me to not go, so I told Jessica to cover for me. She was ok with it and everything.

Luther: Who's Jessica?

Kyle: His

Thomas: Co-worker. His Co-worker.

Luther: Hmmm, say did she mention anything earlier.

Thomas: Like what?

Luther: Like did she seem strange or anything.

Thomas: No, why-

Luther: Um nevermind.

Kyle: That is strange, you asked. She did seem a little tired.

Luther: That's normal for anyone going to school and working.

Thomas: You seem worried about something dad. Did something happened? I'll call her just to make sure.

Luther: Look, I think you should just

Thomas: Huh? That's strange. No one is answering the store's phone. Hey, Kyle do you have internet?

Kyle: My plan is up.

Thomas: Great. Well, I'll wait until we get home.

Kyle: Sir, you passed my corner.

Luther: Your mother is working overtime this evening.

Kyle: Overtime? Was that what all those cars for?

Luther: She didn't explain anything to me.

Kyle: Mom never had to work late before.

Luther: She is a detective after all, and a young one at that.

Thomas: I mean, that's such a cool job your mom has.


Lily: Yes sir!

Sergeant: Did you find anything?

Lily: Nothing at all.

Sergeant: Well, keep looking. The major is pressing down on my ass for this.

Lily: I'll keep looking.

The sergeant walks from Lily. Her partner with Blue hair and white eyes leans on one of the shelves in the supermarket. Staring at Lily accessing the countless dead bodies.

Living Life Large.(NeedlemOuse Fanfiction) *On Break*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora