Moving in?

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4th chapter already? Alr lets do this shit! >:) 

I forgot to mention that its night time in this dimension. A lot of this story will be based off of @CrippledDildo 's books mainly Forever together tho. Also when we got teleported here we magically became 21 and our outfit changed into fazbear company uniforms which I will be drawing later. Im sick rn tho and really don't feel like it soooooo...

Onto the story!

Y/n Pov:

I see them both standing in the center of the room fighting. Sun and Moon... Separate... With facial expressions... What in the ever loving heck. I'm super confused. But also super flustered. They look fine as hell. God fucking dam... I am SUCH a simp. 

They don't even notice as I walk up to them. "Hello?" I ask not wanting to disturb them. They immediately turn to me with a shocked look on their face's. "HELLO NEW FRIEND! Im so sorry about that! Me and my brother were just having a little argument... No need to worry though!" Sun says. "*GASP!* YOU MUST BE OUR NEW CARETAKER! I'm Sun! I can already tell were going to be great friends!" He so excited. It's fucking adorable.

Moon just sits there with his arms crossed. 

"PSSSSST! Mooooon... Introduce yourself!" Sun said in a loud whisper. Moon groans. "Hello starlight~" He says in a soft (Yet somehow really fucking hot) tone. "I'm Moon, Guessing your Y/n?" "U-uhm... YEAH! Im Y/n! Your guys new Caretaker! If you need anything just ask and I'll do my best to help you out!" I say. God I sound so dumb. I probably look like an idiot to them.

"Hmmmm... Interesting..." Moon says grabbing my chin and tilting it towards his face. "Y'know your kinda pretty... For a human." He mumbles the last part but I still heard it. "MOON! CONTROL YOURSELF!" Sun says obviously offended. "No- It's fine Mr. Sun really! I don't mind." 'AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THEIR SO HOT OML! MARRY MEEEEEEEE!' Is the only thing going through my mind right now. Im honestly resting the urge to kiss both of them right now.

Yeah thats not happening. This story isn't gunna be a slow burn but were not unna start making out in the third chapter you simps. Gunna have to wait for that ;)


"Call me Sun! Were friends! BEST-friends! :)" Sun scoops me up into a hug. "O-oh... Thanks M- SUN! Thanks Sun." I say nervous as fuck. "Sunnnnnn... Don't you think we should give them a tour?" Moon says annoyed. "OH! Yes! Of course!"

(Time skip)

Blah blah tour of the daycare >:b

"Anddddd this is the main attraction! The security desk!" Sun says finishing the tour. "This is where you'll be most of the time when your not cleaning us or keeping us entertained." Moon went back to his room awhile ago due to boredom. I'm finally able to get a good look at Sun now that we aren't running around through the whole daycare.He basically looks just like his posters. Aka hes fucking adorable. He even had pupils! I love him so much 🥰

"So Y/n! I guess it's time you get settled in!"



'What does he mean settled in?' 

"HEY Y/N!!!" Luna bursts through the daycare doors. "Luna? What are you-" "LUNA! WHAT A GREAT SURPRISE! Are you here to play with me and Y/n?!" Sun screams. I'm so fucking confused. "Sorry Sun! But I'm just here to help Y/n get comfortable here!" Luna say's. I just noticed she's carrying a box labeled "belongings".

'I'm still in the dark over here people.' My god I feel like I just woke up from a 20 year coma or something. "What's with the box?" I ask stupidly. God Im such an embarrassment. "What do you mean? You dropped all this stuff off here after your interview yesterday. You said you would be too tired to carry all your stuff here late at night." My god what is happening. "Now come on! Let's go unpack your stuff!"

I follow her to this door with a keypad on it next to the light switch. Sun decides to walk back to his room. Luna types in some sort of code and the door unlocks. Inside is a small collage dorm looking room. We walk in and she sets the box on this queen sized bed. We start unpacking the box. I recognize all the stuff in it as stuff I had in my dimension. Weird... I wonder how this stuff got here...

I don't really know whats going on but... I'm guessing I live here now. Which is fine with me since I have nowhere else to go.

"Sooooooooo... Am I just living here now?" I try to make it sound like i'm making small talk when really i'm asking an important question. "I guess... I mean- You and the others can still leave the plex to buy groceries and stuff but you can also get food here! You do of course still have to pay for it though, and it's mostly junk food..." 

Ah- So the others are living here too... Cool! I would hope so. I just got to meet them irl and I wanna spend as much time with them as I can! So imma guess I'm doing day shifts and sleeping here at night.

(Time skip)

We finally finished unpacking all my stuff and I am exhausted. "It's almost 10 pm and you have to be ready by 6 am for work... Do you wanna get ready for bed?" Luna asks. "OH! Yeah! I should probably say goodnight to everyone first..." I wanna be nice and see how everyone is feeling about all this... I also like looking through peoples rooms >:)

"Oh yeah! You want me to lead you to their rooms?" I stare at her for a second before responding. "Nah- I think I can find them myself..." Ive played the game enough times to know my way around here. Even if it is gigantic...

Luna stares at me for a second confused. "Whatever you say..." Oh my god Im so glad she didn't ask any questions. Before she goes back to her office they give me a slip of paper with the code to my room on it, I decide to put it in my pocket for later.

Luna leaves and I set out my pj's for when I get back. I pick out lose halloween pj pants and a black tank top. Then I walk out of my room. I don't see Sun or Moon anywhere so I decide to just leave.

(ANOTHER time skip? Goddamn you lazy author >:( )

Everyone is super exited about this. I walk back to the daycare and decide to use the doors this time. I'm too tired to squirm through a ball pit filled with germs and barf. I walk through the doors and see Sun and Moon in the center of the room. Sun sitting with his back turned to Moon and moon is trying to get Sun's attention.

I just sit there, looking stupid as usual. Moon then finally notices me after like 3 whole minutes. He walks up to me with a worried look on his face. "Y/n where were you? You just left without saying anything!" Huh- Why does he care? Don't get me wrong I have a huge crush on him already but I didn't expect him to act this way towards me.

Sun is standing in the background trying to get Moon away from me without acknowledging him. This looks fucking hilarious. 

"What do you mean? I just went to say goodnight to everyone... Anyways imma go to bed. Night!" I say heading towards my room. "GOODNIGHT SUNSHINE!" Sun says before I slam the door. I feel kinda bad for walking off like that but... I don't do good in awkward conversations and that... Was awkward.

I put on my pajamas and hop into bed. I get out my sketchbook and start drawing Sun and Moon with their new upgrades while watching the owl house. I draw and draw until I straight up fall asleep.

??? Pov:

I walk into Y/n's room. Their sound asleep. They have some sort of art book in their hands. I go to look at what their drawing. Sun and Moon? Huh... That's- flattering... I put their sketchbook on their nightstand and turn off the tv. Before I leave I give them a kiss on the forehead.

"Goodnight Dewdrop~"


Hello Eclipse😏 

Y'all want a yandere Eclipse? No murder only hard punches. Sun and Moon wont be yanderes in this but I'll consider doing Eclipse.

Also if you have any recommendations for the book plz spill.

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