one shot: love languages

Start from the beginning

"I'll see you at lunch, princess," Dakota read from the bright pink paper. "Have an amazing day. Smiley face."

"Well, I'm sure he said it with more emotion than just that," Daria protested, snatching it back from them. "And I just, I'd like it a lot more if it wasn't princess, you know?"

"Tell him," Clara said, drinking the last of her orange juice and standing to get to her shift at the Med Bay. Dakota and Daria were planning on teaching some of the new recruits at the archery range. "I'm sure it'll all be fine."

It was not fine.

The sticky notes didn't stop. And they just got more incredibly cheesy over time. So much so that Daria refused to show any of her friends what they said any longer, and one day, in a fit of frustration, she'd taken to only communicating with her boyfriend with the cursed sticky notes found littered around both of their rooms.

Need to pick up the stupid chocolate mix you like from the general store before date night, love. Remind me? -J

What? Can't remember anything for more than 5 minutes? Don't call me love -D

Ouch. Fine. That stuff can't be good for you anyway, love bug -J

LOVE BUG??? Are you KIDDING me??

Heard it in a JB song. Also, you didn't sign with a heart :( ....freckles

You listen to Justin Beiber? And sorry, my bad. <3 (sarcastically) D

Jonas Brothers, idiot. <3 (real) -J

In all honesty, it was a lot more fun than annoying most of the time. It gave her something to look forward to at various points in the day. They didn't see each other much when they weren't planning for it, so where Jason found the time in his hectic schedule to plant these notes, Daria didn't know. Which was why, when she caught him in the act two weeks later, all she could do was point and exclaim, while Jason listened with a sheepish grin.

"What is it today?" She grumbled, trying to peer at the bright blue note in his hand.

He held it high above his head, floating lightly as if he wasn't already a foot taller than her. His blond hair was cut short once again so he looked older. Daria kind of hated it, but such was Roman regulation.

"I haven't decided yet," he admitted. "It sort of just comes to me. You know, I think of your stupid face—"

"Now that's a good one."

"And I'm like, how can I annoy Daria today? It's the best part of my week, really." He grins, but he doesn't have to. Daria knows him well enough to know that he's messing around. "Any of them catch on yet?"

"Not a single one," she said primly. "Now get down from there."

Jason raised an eyebrow. Daria shook her head fondly. "I have to leave in two minutes for practice," she explained. "I'd like to kiss you at least once today."

His face softened. Daria, for all of her steel, felt her heart melt disgustingly. He settled and drew closer, allowing Daria to run a hand over his cropped hair. "Hey," he muttered. "I've got a new one."

Daria motioned for him to continue. He pressed a small kiss to the bridge of her nose, making her go cross-eyed, and then laughed.

"Darling," he said. "Like—like, Daria, darling. Same letters, kinda. You—"

"I get it, air head." She kissed him once, twice. "Same meaning, kinda."

Jason laughed again. Daria thought it was the best sound she'd ever heard.

reflection ● jason graceWhere stories live. Discover now